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Naomi Jones was awake in the middle of the night, again. Sleeping was slowly starting to sound foreign for the brown haired girl, considering that she has been waking up in the middle of the night on a daily basis.

She smiled softly, she felt Peter's slow breathings on the back of her neck. The green eyed boy was holding onto her like she was going to disappear any second, which she probably was.

The brunette turned around, smiling as she came face to face with him. She didn't know what he was dreaming about but it must be something nice because a small smile was on his lips.

She sighed, pushing his hair aside a little before kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry," She whispered against his cheek.

Naomi quietly got up from the bed, prying his arms off of her in the progress. She had done this so many times before so it was done in a matter of seconds. She smiled, quickly putting a spell on him so that he wouldn't have a nightmare while she was away.

She nodded and quietly walked towards the desk, grabbing her book. She traced her fingers over the word 'Jones' and looked up, straight into the strange, creepy glowing eyes of the shadow that was floating in front of her.

It nodded at her, pointing at the book. It knew that she realized what it was actually doing, and it knew that she was more determined for it than before.

Naomi gave the shadow a quick nod, signaling that she will look into it and then nodded again to say that it could go away now. Surprisingly, it listened and flew away, leaving her and Peter alone.

She bit her lip in hesitation, looking back at Peter who was still asleep. Just as she was about to sit down at the desk, a thought came to mind. It would be a lot smarter to go somewhere she can't be disturbed. She looked back at the boy one last time before grabbing the doorknob and opening the door.

The brunette slowly closed it behind her, careful not to make a sound. She climbed down the stairs quietly, knowing that a few of the Lost Boys were extremely light sleepers.

When she finally made it down to the ground, she started walking. Watching carefully before placing her feet to prevent the leaves from breaking beneath her. She walked for a maximum of ten minutes before she finally made it to her destination.

Naomi, deciding that climbing a tree this high would be far too difficult with the book in her hands, simply used her magic to teleport herself onto the wooden platform her dark haired friend made.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now