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15 Facts About The Youngest Jones

⋆ 15 Facts About The Youngest Jones ⋆

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1. » At first I wanted to use Kaya Scodelario as a face claim because she was surrounded by woods and everything when in the move The Maze Runner but I thought that she looked to old to play the girl of Peter Pan, ya know? I thought Danielle was more suited for the role. Nothing against Kaya though, I adore her to bits.

2. » Her name was supposed to be Lilliana but Victoria came with the idea to name her after her older sister, Naomi Doyle, who died when she was seven, her name was changed to Naomi a week before she was born.

3. » Naomi secretly really liked the idea of marriage but never told Peter about it, scared of his rejection.

4. » Naomi never hated Wendy, she was just very possessive of Peter and blamed the fact that she ❝hated❞ Wendy on her behaving like a snob.

5. » If she wants to, Naomi can hold a grudge for a lifetime.

6. » Naomi once gave Peter the silent treatment for a week after he had taken and hidden her sword, she only started talking to him again when he literally got on his knees and begged her to talk to him.

7. » Naomi never told anybody about her and Alex's ❝Meeting Tree❞, not even Peter.

8. » Naomi never had a favourite colour, until she met Peter. It then changed to green.

9. » Despite what most people may think, Naomi has only killed two people in her life. This was out self defence after two mermaids tried to drown her.

10. » Naomi wrote a letter to her mother every single night right before she went to bed when she lived on her own in the Enchanted Forest. She still does this sometimes.

11. » Naomi made Peter a replica of the family journal she has, she had given it to him with the sentence; ❝Now you can pass it down to future generations like-❞ she stopped halfway, walking away with a furious blush on her cheeks.

12. » Despite what she tells Peter, she absolutely loved it whenever he would stumble across his words, fiddle with his fingers or got nervous around her. It was rare, but she loved it when it happened.

13. » If she ever got a child she wouldn't want a godfather and mother, she would have wanted two godfathers; Alex and Felix.

14. » Naomi loves the way she looks because it reminds her of her mother and she is incredibly proud of sharing her looks.

15. » The mystery behind Naomi's sword has never been solved. They are still trying to find out what makes it so special.

15 Facts About Our Best Friend

⋆ 15 Facts About Our Best Friend ⋆

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1. » Alex has always felt like the outcast when it came to Peter and Felix's friendship until Naomi came along who quickly became his best friend.

2. » Alex had a little sister named Emmie who was left in his care after their parents died. She was seven and eventually died because of the small pox.

3. » Because of his parents' early death, he learned to handle a bow when he was eleven. Peter was very impressed with that when he first saw him.

4. » Naomi is the only person whom Alex has told about Emmie. He still blames himself these days.

5. » Alex never told anybody about his and Naomi's ❝Meeting Tree❞, not even Felix.

6. » Alex realised that he was homosexual when he had been on the island for seven years.

7. » No boy other than Felix caught his eye.

8. » When I pictured Alex, I instantly knew that Matthew Daddario would be the perfect face claim.

9. » Alex is based - personality wise - on my friend Fenne. I imagine that's difficult to pronounce for none Dutch people.

10. » At first I was planning to kill Alex, then I didn't anymore, then I wanted to do it again but then I - again - decided not to do it. Alex McVey is darn lucky to be alive.

11. » Alex became a Lost Boy after his parents and sister died, leaving him alone. Not because his parents didn't love him.

12. » He has a strangely passionate love for dolphins.

13. » The thing he likes most about Felix is his scar. Alex finds the thing he hates the most about himself the most beautiful.

14. » He has a very big passion for climbing in trees, he used to stay in a treehouse he build himself before coming to Neverland hence why he likes it so much.

15. » Alex may seem confident and daring but he is acutely very shy and humble, kissing Felix was the hardest thing he had ever done.

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