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Killian looks wide-eyed at his daughter who was slowly being carried back to a treehouse, he wouldn't have minded if he was the one carrying her, but seeing that bloody demon holding his daughter didn't work quite well with him. "What did you do to her?" He hears from his right, all of the heroes were staring at the retreating forms of Peter and Naomi.

"What?" Emma asks, clearing her throat to snap out of her daze. She looks at the source of the sound, which turns out to be Alex.

The dark haired boy looks murderously at the so called heroes, "I said; what did you do to her? I should've never let her go to you guys! Especially not you, Killian!" He yells and was about to jump on the pirate but Felix held him back.

"Hey, Alex, calm down. I'm not happy with them either but Naomi wouldn't want this." The blonde answers, trying to keep the boy back. He sighs and gets a tighter hold of his shoulders.

Alex scoffs loudly, "Yes she would. She couldn't care less about what happened to him." He looks back at Killian. "She may have given you another chance, but believe me when I say that she will never fully forgive you. You have ruined her and I will never trust you around her."

"W-Wait, how do you know about the second chance?" Belle asks kindly, looking confused as she slowly steps towards the boy, knowing that he wasn't going to hurt her because of Naomi.

He smirks, looking at Killian. "She's my best friend, hurt her and I will hunt you down." He says, a slight edge to his voice.

"Is that supposed to scare me, boy?" Killian scoffs, not taking Alex' threat seriously. He looks at him in boredom and raises an eyebrow, his nonchalant expression immediately fading when a devilish smirk came onto the boy's face.

"No," Alex says, stepping closer to him. Killian looks behind the boy and sees that all the others stood up as well. "it's supposed to warn you. It won't be just me that will kill you, it will be all of the Lost Boys. She is like their older sister, you won't survive if you were to harm her."

The dark haired boy gives them a final glare before he was suddenly ripped away from Killian by Felix. "Calm down, maybe we can still use him for something. You can murder him tomorrow." He tells Alex.

Alex nods, huffing before walking away and towards the campfire. He sits down on a log, trying to calm himself while Felix deals with the heroes.

"You've heard them," the blonde says, referring to what Naomi and Peter said a few minutes ago. "You know what to do with them." He smirks and nods at some boys who grab all of the heroes again. "Have a nice reunion with your son."


"Let me go," Tinker Bell says, trying to free the grip a Lost Boy had on her wrists. She tries kicking him in the stomach but her feet can't reach that high. She sighs and continues walking, looking up at the boy. "Why are you all working for Pan like his puppets?"

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now