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"Emma!" Mary Margaret and David yell when they see their daughter stumbling back to the camp-leaning on Killian for support.

David looks at Killian before grabbing Emma, "I've got her." He says, slightly protective.

"Just trying to help, mate." Killian answers, raising his hands in surrender.

"Emma, what happened?" Mary Margaret asks, pressing her hand to her daughter's forehead. "Please tell us what happened, did you get the book?"

"No, I-" Emma breathes, she stops talking and tries steadying herself. "Well, yeah we did but Naomi she-" She stops again and feels herself getting dizzy. "I-I can't. Hook, what's happening to me?"

Killian sighs, "I'm afraid that it's nothing good." The pirate mumbles.

"Yeah, we can see that." Regina remarks, stating the obvious. "Just tell us what's wrong with her so we can continue searching."

Killian scowls lightly and shakes his head, frowning when he couldn't see Mr. Gold and Neal. "Where did Baelfire and the crocodile go?" He questions.

"We don't know," Belle answers, sounding a little nervous. "They said they had to handle somethings."

Tinker Bell nods towards the woman, she looks at Emma with sympathy. "I'm sorry for you, Emma." She says sincerely. "I'm afraid that all we can do now is wait."

"Wait? I-I don't like the sound of that." Emma stammers, carefully sitting down on a large rock. Her father was helping to keep her steady.

"That book you tried to steal," Killian starts, earning their attention. "It's a family journal. It gets passed down to the eldest of each generation." He clears his throat. "My wif-" He stops again. "Naomi's mother, Victoria, was a powerful sorceress. I asked her to put a protection spell around the journal, which she did."

"Only Naomi and Hook have access to it." Tinker Bell steps in, seeing Killian's pained look while thinking about Victoria. "You tried opening the book without her consent, and everybody who does that..."

She looks at Killian who sighs, "They get sick, very sick. And eventually, they die." He says quickly.

"What?" The Charming's yell in disbelief. David steps forward, leaving Mary Margaret to take care of Emma. "There must be something we can do, what about that sand?"

"She won't last that long," Killian sighs, looking at the ground to avoid David's angry and panicked. "I'm afraid that there is no cure."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now