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"She cares," Emma tells Killian, walking quickly to catch up with him after she had sent him away disappointed. She clears her throat and looks up at him, elaborating when she saw his confused expression. "Naomi, I mean. She cares about you."

"Yeah," Killian laughs bitterly, not liking that Emma was playing a trick on him. "that's an emotion called hate."

"No," She says, grabbing the leather of his jacket to stop him from walking. He turns around and sighs, obviously displeased by her. "she cares about you, really."

He raises an eyebrow, "And what makes you say that, huh? The glares she shoots me when she thinks I'm not looking? Or was it the sword she pressed to my neck?"

Emma frowns and shakes her head, remembering her conversation from a few seconds ago with Naomi. "She indirectly threatened me," she tells him. "she said that I was playing with your feelings, that I was hurting you. She didn't like that."

Killian frowns, a small, relieved smile was tugging at the ends of his lips but he manages to supress it. He wanted to believe Emma, he just didn't know how to. "I want to believe you," He says truthfully. "but how am I supposed to do that when you clearly showed your disdain for me?" He pauses. "How do I know that you're not messing with my mind?"

"I'm not!" she exclaims, throwing her hands in the air to emphasis her point. She sighs and takes a deep breath, calming herself down. "I'm not, I believe that she wants to give you another chance-"

"She has given me another chance, but I've got the feeling that she was merely giving me one to get rid off me," Killian admits, frowning when he thought about it. "I'd understand it. I don't see a reason myself as to why she would give me another chance."

"I do," the blonde whispers under her breath, looking down at the ground. She knew why Naomi wanted to give her father another chance, but she also knew that the girl was scared to death of being abandoned again. "she wants to give you another chance, believe me she does, she's just...scared."

Killian frowns, "Scared?"

Emma nods, "She's scared that you'll leave her again."

"How do you know about that?"

"We talked, Naomi and I." she explaines and quickly continues telling her story. "And because of that, she is afraid to let you in again. It is why Pan is so hell-bent on protecting her form you, he knows what you did to her. He knows how bad it scarred her."

"Well, if I am so horrible, then why did she gave me that second chance, huh?" Killian snaps, he couldn't help it, Emma was slowly getting on his nervous with the talk about his daughter. He knows that what he did was wrong and he regrets it deeply, but she didn't have to rub it in his face.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now