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Days at the camp: 6

It was in the middle of the night when Peter woke up by somebody who was clutching the fabric of his shirt in their hands. He groaned softly and looked down, immediately frozen when he saw the brown haired girl laying on his chest. What shocked him even more, was that he was holding her as well.

He blinked a few times as he looked at her, still recovering from the shock that she was laying in his bed and tried remembering what happened the night before. The early morning was full of confusion for the boy, he couldn't remember what happened.

The only thing he knew was that he went to sleep right after Naomi woke him up from his nightmare, he did notice that he felt a lot better than before he went to sleep. He guessed that he had the girl to thank for that.

Peter frowned as he looked at the panicked expression of her, her small hands were holding onto his shirt for dear life. She was obviously worrying about something, and if he didn't know any better he would've gone back to sleep.

But he did know better, considering that this has happened to him countless times before. He remembered the things she did for him, she woke him up when he was having a nightmare, she took care of him when he was sick. So, he decided to return the favor-just this once-and wake her up.

"Hey, love. Come on, wake up." He whispered softly while nudging her shoulder, he got no response. Naomi only decided to get a tighter hold on his shirt while muttering some words. Peter frowned and tried again. "You have to wake up, love."

"Naomi? Naomi!" He said, his voice raising slightly as he shook her gently, sighing in relief when he saw that she was slowly opening her eyes. Naomi woke up and looked around in a panic.

Her breathing was heavy as she sat up in the bed, her hands in her hair as she was trying to not go insane. Healing Peter was taking a toll on her, her earlier nightmares had returned. The ones she had right after her father abandoned her, they got less worse over the years but everything came back right after she healed Peter.

She noticed that her hands were shaking and placed her head on her knees as she tried to calm her breathing. "One, two, three-" She whispered softly, Peter frowned in curiosity as he heard her counting. "Four, five, six."

He noticed that the counting seemed to calm her down, her breathing was slowly returning to normal and her hands stopped shaking. He kept looking at her as she counted, "Seven, eight, nine." She then took a deep breath before finishing, "Ten."

Naomi sighed in relief and lifted her head from her knees as she started looking around, only now noticing the arm that was lazily wrapped around her waist. She remembered what happened the night before, Peter being loopy and falling asleep on her lap.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now