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The first thing that came to Naomi Jones' mind when she came eye to eye with Killian Jones was to turn on her heel and run the other way. But she was frozen, not a single muscle in her body could move.

"No," She mumbles eventually, "No, you can't do this! No, not now! Not when I am finally happy!"

Naomi felt somebody bump into her but she stood her ground, not turning around when she felt Peter standing behind her.

"What are you doing here?" He spats at the pirate, immediately walking up to him. "You couldn't just let her live her life in peace, could you?"

All of them watched with wide eyes as they saw how angry Peter was getting at Killian, but the pirate didn't say anything. He was completely numb as he says, "N-Naomi?"

The brunette shook her head, "No," She mumbles again. "No, you can't do this. You're not really here."

"I-I am, Tori. It's really me," Killian says, sounding relieved upon seeing his daughter again.

"Don't-don't call me that!" Naomi yells, her voice suddenly sounding a lot louder than before. "You have no right to call me that."

She looked at Peter who nodded and knocked on the base of a tree, signalling the other Lost Boys. "It-It doesn't matter," She stutters, trying to keep herself from falling apart when so much people are around. "Because you won't be staying here either way."

"Wha-let go off me!" Emma yells, struggling to escape Devin's hold.

Regina was about to use her magic when Felix cuffed her wrist, stopping her from doing so. "What is this?" The black haired woman scowls.

"Leave me alone!" Henry says, panicking as Hunter grabbed his upper arm.

All of them were grabbed by a Lost Boy, Justin cuffed Mr. Gold's wrist as well so that he won't be able to use his magic. They all struggled but they were no match for a group of thirty boys.

"Wait, wait!" Killian yells, fighting against Alex' hold. He and Emma were the only two people that weren't out of sight yet-the others were already thrown in the cages. "Please," The pirate says, looking at his daughter. "Just let me talk to you, even if it's just for a few minutes."

Naomi bit her lip, thinking about it for a few seconds before quickly saying, "You've got ten minutes," She snaps, nodding at Alex who released him. The only people here were her, Killian, Alex and Peter. She looked at Alex and Peter, "Can you give us a moment?"

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now