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"Ah, there you are, love. Right on time." Peter said as he saw Naomi walking past him, she had just woken up. He stretched his arms and grabbed her waist, pulling her onto his lap. He kissed her cheek as he happily added, "And, how did you sleep?"

"Hmhm," She hummed in suspicion as she laid her head on his shoulder, she frowned and looked at him before continuing, "You sound happy, too happy. What do you need?"

"Why can't I just be happy to see my gorgeous girl." He said in disbelieve, hugging her tighter against his chest.

Naomi sighed and looked at him again, saying, "What is it?"

"The boys want to play a game," Peter sighed in defeat, knowing that Naomi wasn't one to compete in their childish games. "With me and you."

Naomi sighed and shook her head, "It doesn't feel right, don't you think we should search for the boy?"

"Oh, come on, love. Don't you think we deserve a day off?" Peter smiled against her neck. "And the boys are really excited about this game."

The said girl groaned in annoyance and got up from his lap, putting her hands on her hips as she said, "And you're going to, what, convince me into playing?"

"Convincing, persuading-" Peter started and used his magic to appear behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist again and pulling her body against his own. He leaned down towards her ear and added in a whisper, "But I personally like seducing more."

"Oh yeah?" Naomi asked in a whisper, placing her head on his shoulder once again when he started pressing soft kisses to her neck.

"Uhu." The green eyed boy hummed as he kept kissing her neck, nibbling on her ear lobe from time to time too.

"Well, you should know-" Naomi breathed out, "That I'm a difficult person to seduce."

She felt him stop and smirked before turning around, pressing his body against a nearby tree and decided to switch the roles as she started kissing his neck.

"But I don't think you are." She whispered seductively into his ear, smiling when she heard a small groan escape his lips. She chuckled before she slowly started biting down on the skin a little, making sure to leave a mark. "Now, are you really going to force me into playing that game?"

"N-No," Peter stammered, still breathing heavily. It has been a long time since he had felt a woman's touch, in fact he probably has never felt it like this. "Wait-Yes."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now