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"I know you're staring, love." Peter said with a small smirk across his lips, eyes opening slowly before looking down at the brown haired girl that was laying on his chest.

"I'm not staring," She denied, wrapping her arms around his bare chest and snuggling tighter against him, sighing in content before adding, "I'm simply admiring the view."

This made him chuckle, "Is the view meeting up to your standards?" He says, smiling.

"Oh, definitely." Naomi said, smiling up at him innocently. She moved around a little again, hiding her face in the crook of his neck as she once again sighed in content.

She heard him chuckle, his chin resting on the top of her head and his arms wrapped around her waist. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple before sighing.

"Something's bothering you," Naomi said, a slight frown prominent on her forehead as she recognized the troubled sigh. "What's wrong?"

"I-I have been remembering things from when I was. . .dying," Peter sighed, stammering a little. "Just little bits and pieces but they usually come through dreams."

Naomi stiffened a little, but then quickly relaxed again knowing that the things that happened while he was sick didn't matter anymore since she has told him about her past.

"I remember you, coming back to the tree house with this huge gash on your forehead." He mumbles, quickly pulling back to look at her. "But when I look, there is nothing, not even a scar." He strokes his thumb over her forehead and continues. "I know that I healed it, and you said that you tripped. But, did you really?"

Naomi sighed and looked away, trying to shake off Peter's grip on her chin but failed. She bit her lip.

"You didn't trip. Something happened, what?" Peter said seriously.

"That damn shadow," She curses, feeling anger and irritation boiling up inside of her. "I don't know what he wants but he's bloody annoying."

"He did that to you?" Peter said through gritted teeth, knowing that he told it to stay away from her.

She shrugs, "It was kind of my fault, I slashed at him with my sword. It startled him and he dropped me. I just had the unfortunate fate of landing on a rock."

Peter's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Her sword had hurt the shadow, who was-or so he thought-invincible. Peter had tired hurting it a few times before, yet nothing seemed to work, well nothing except fire.

"You attacked it with your sword?" He mumbled absently, getting a nod in agreement.

His eyes went wide when he remembered something that happened a few months ago, Naomi had cut him on his arm with the same sword and it took forever to heal, at least it felt like that for him.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now