「Golden Maknae」

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Sweat filled the room, rustling could be heard through the stainless doors as the vicious light crept out from underneath and sound accompanied it while escaping vigorously.

Everything went quiet. Soon after voices could be heard, slowly emerging from the door was a tall brown—haired person with flawless lashes and upmost amazing physique; he clearly stands out to the others following him.

"Oi Jungkookie man give me some water. That dance practice exhausted me." Pleaded the smaller man who had lush silver tinted hair and smooth cheeks contoured enough for definition; obviously he was being practical towards him.

Jungkook ignored his fellow friend and carried on walking into the shadow.

"What's wrong with him Namjoon Hyung?" The silver tinted person spelled out towards a taller man, his voice hinting a source of worry or concern for him.

The taller man with a shorter fringe observed Jungkook, a distant look accompanied his features.

"I have no clue Jimin. Maybe he's just extremely tired." Namjoon replied.

"He'll be fine!" Another man with a bright smile jumped in, his smile was reassuring for the two of them.

"Hoseok. Weren't you sleeping?" Namjoon curiously asked.

Hoseok looked at the floor for a few seconds or so.

"Probably. What's it up to you?" Hoseok yawned whilst replying.

"Because there's dirt—nevermind..." Namjoon slowly palmed his face, covering his embarrassment for Hoseok's non—existent self conscience.

From afar Jimin contemplated the situation with Jungkook, but decided to let it go as he turned towards Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Alright, lets give him some time to recuperate—"


A strong voice with the bold sense of command echoed the empty hallway.

"Yes?" Namjoon responded rather quickly and respect were buried with that exact response.

Peering into their changing attitude, it was clearly obvious that the boys respect this somebody who just happens to be their Boss.

"You all know MMA is shortly coming up, correct?" The boys nodded in response; addition to slow sweat developing from Hoseok's forehead.

"You know the drill then. I want all of you. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and—" The Boss stopped awkwardly as his eyes swipe across from left to right.

"Where is Jungkook?" He asked, obviously concerned.


Speak of the devil, Jungkook arrives just in time for the briefing.

The Boss coughed. "Alright, all of you will attend MMA. Understood?"

The boys straightened their poses and nodded in obedience.

"Good, don't disappoint me." The Boss walks away, leaving an echoing transition of footsteps; one step subversively following the other.

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