You've Grown Beautifully

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I am just gonna keep ignoring you...

I've already shed enough tears...

I think you should do the same...

Just forget about me...


Everything we ever had...



"Uh yes! I am new, sign me in please!"

"Alright, your classroom is Religious Education. Have fun."

"Thank you!"

'Religious Education room?' A mindless thought boggled.

Walking across the smooth face of the floor, nothing but emitting footsteps echoed like a tennis ball.

Approaching the stale door, it gave off a hint of some-sort of antique vibe.

'This is it?' Sweat climbed up, breathing tripled, everything suddenly became silent as it was a door away.

*Knock* *Knock*

A voice with a commanding tone textured with it responded.

"Come in!"

Gathering the seemingness courage and grabbing ahold of the doorknob, the once stale doors flush open.

"Another new student?"

The teacher's voice called out, somehow you can conclude how experienced the teacher was by just listening to his voice.


Walking forward, avoiding those sharp gazes, taunts, misfits, it was nothing but first impressions.

"So, can you introduce yourself?"

Everyone's shifting gaze penetrates the new person, their gift? The centre of pure attention.

Gulping, the person bravely steps forward to confront everyone.

Taking a huge breath, the first words slowly escapes.

"M-my name is Ten..."

Giving off a small smile, Ten glances to the teacher for confirmation; a smile is returned as acceptance.

A small rustle of a chair scraped against the stale floor rather quickly.

Not paying a single attention, those exact sounds quickly transforms into slow thudding footsteps.

Breaking his attention from the teacher, Ten glances to the direction of those exact footsteps.

"It's been a long time Ten."

In front of him was something he didn't ever expect, it was something too beautiful to exist...


But here I am, falling in love with you once more. Your once golden locks suddenly dimmed, your beautiful face still brimmed, how can I ever forget you in my entirety, you are exactly what I need in my life...

"Yea Ten, It's been-"

Unable to resist the temptation, Ten completely surprised Lisa with a tight embrace with both arms...

"It's been way too long Lisa..."

His words were stoic, but relief and compassion were embedded in them.

Her body is so soft. She smells absolutely pristine, why is it...

"T-ten. You want to let go now?" Lisa stutters, slightly embarrassed by her childhood friend's action.

Realising his actions, Ten instantly lets go which resulted him into crashing with the blackboard.

'Man, I look like a fool in front of her...' Ten sighed, but he gazed up to find something else.

"God you are still funny Ten..." Smiling for the last time, Lisa turns away.

A burning sensation torched Ten's cheeks, happiness inflated him, he was too deep into love.

'You've grown beautifully Lisa...' Grinning like an idiot, Ten stands up and proceeds to find his seat.

Turning to the class, his gaze meets another particular gaze...

'Why is he gazing at me?' Ten thought while returning the gaze.

Observing him, Ten realised he wore expensive clothing, he seemed to be one of those bad boys with that look he was putting up.

His eyes wandered next to the man staring at him to see something weird.

'Why is that chair broken?'

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now