「Not Alone」

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Reiner and Axel dropped the bodies unconscious bodies down. Everything inside the dome was pitch black at the minute of their arrival.

"You can come out August!"

Reiner shouted into the darkness; the hair behind Axel's back crawled at the mention of his name. Shuddering for a moment, Axel gulps as he stays motionless behind Reiner; a single eye searching within the darkness.

"I am here with what you asked with another body coming soon." A smile driven up, Reiner's pride excelled as he puffed his chest out and laughed continuously.

His voice echoed, a chain of his own tone lightened and soon after disappeared into the background. A slow tapping of a single footstep came up from the far end of the dark dome.

"Excellent work."

Lights switched on, for where there was darkness now drew short as colour started coming to life within the dome. A hooded figure appears from the other end, walking right towards Reiner as the two stare each other out.

The pressure between the two was unbelievable. Axel felt it, he was out of place between the two dominant beasts. Hearing the stories of those two made Axel's spine tingle and the thought of what would really happen if they were to fight each other till the bitter end.

"I presume you met the other?"

Reiner arched a brow for a moment, but clapped his hands in realisation before answering him.

"Oh... that other Dynasty? Yea I met them, didn't think it was full of girls."

August gazed at the two bodies momentarily, his eyes not leaving either one as if he was examining it.

"You said one more body?"

Lifting his chin, Reiner hummed and looked behind towards the exit. "Yea, it should be here now—"

Suddenly a loud dragging noise echoed behind Reiner, a devious smile etched along his lips as he turns around with a transforming smirk.

"About time Arlo!"

The brute shouted across the dome, Arlo sank slightly as his tone was that of displeasure; behind him, Jack was being dragged into the dome itself.

What is this?

The bespectacled boy eyed every aspect of the dome, it was rather unusual since its so spacious, yet there weren't barely anything inside to cover it; it looked so empty. His eyes kept wondering until it fell onto the unconscious bodies laying still.

"T—ten! Bam—"

Feeling a sharp pain against his gut, Jack forcefully swallows a chunk of air as Arlo directly knees him against his stomach. Jack immediately coughs, large volumes of salvia escapes his mouth as he glares at Arlo.

"Didn't I say not to make any noise?" Arlo annoyingly spat out, he forcefully grappled Jack's collar and dragged him across the hardened field.

Reiner's smile couldn't help it, sizing from its normal length, his devious smile started to stretching like crazy as soon as Jack was thrown to his feet. Bending onto one knee, Reiner picked up the bespectacled boy by his collar and their eyes met.

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