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Do I look easy to you...

Do I seem like any other guy to you...

Well that was your mistake...

Because this time around...

Things are going to be different...

I promise you...


"Get rid off that sad expression."

A soothing voice echoes, it reaches my ears, but I pay no notice to it.

"It doesn't fit your beautiful face Lisa."

Sighing, I turn to face Sehun, honestly his whole body were right inside my private bubble which worried me.

"Please stop trying to be seductive, it's cringes me." I pleaded towards him, I seriously wasn't in the mood today.

After my pleading, I face the blackboard, completely bored...

"I can try to be seductive..."

Before he even made a move, I gave a massive stop sign, "Make a move on me and that will be the first thing you'll ever regret in your life."

"Fine," Sehun huffed, but still gazed towards my direction, "Aren't you gonna tell me why you are sad?"

Playing with my nails, I didn't bother to face him at all, instead I spoke a half-assed response.

"It doesn't concern you..."

Realising how cruel that sounds, I didn't really care for that matter.

Something tickled my neck, almost grazing it, like a smooth feather.

"It's Jungkook isn't it..."

A lump developed in my throat, 'Is it really that obvious...' I thought deeply; completely ignoring Sehun.

"Why can't you just-"

Before he asked another ridiculous question, I span around changed the subject, "Why are you wearing those absurd glasses and a cap?"

It was a good question to be honest, not only did it distract him, but why did he wear a cap inside a very warm room.

Sehun sighed, he faced away from me whilst attempting to put in a sad facial expression.

"I couldn't show you my ugly face Lisa..."

'Cringe...' Was my overall thought.

"But..." He suddenly decided to move closer, skin contact range.

"I wonder if it's the same with you Lisa..."

Arching my eyebrows upwards, I elbowed him right in the stomach.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now