「Heaven's High」

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I can't accept you...

You are riddled with danger...

It's obvious...

The way you look at me...

It's too dangerous...

For my heart...


"I never thought I'd change back to this again..." A tired Lisa sighed.

Gazing into the mirror, Lisa scrutinised herself thoroughly.

Why do I feel different?

Her thoughts mirrored as she closely examines herself; like if her thoughts were being echoed back to her.

Is it because of these clothes?

Tilting her head, focusing intensely, something was missing.


"Oh how much I missed hating that sound..." Grabbing for her bag, she quickly ran out of the massive YG building only to be met with an expensive dark limousine.

Why do I have to go to School?

Papa YG is weird...


Reaching the front metallic gates, Lisa was greeted by paparazzi everywhere; flooding the area were their speciality.

Exiting the limousine, Lisa's childhood feelings of education bashed her synonymously; a small smile arose, yet another feeling distinctly appeared.

Oh God.

Here we go...

Taking those first few steps, the gates automatically opened towards a large building; it was glamourising, but this only meant the School itself must be privileged and respected.

"So... this is Heaven's High..." Lisa whispered in awe; even the name was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Hey Lisa!"

Hearing a rather familiar voice, she could of sworn her mind blanked.


Happiness squirmed inside as she saw her former childhood friend running towards her.

"My God! You have changed!" Lisa exclaimed. His figure was impressive, he grew taller and overall more attractive.

Ten smirked, "Hah, you can say that again..." His words sunk as his vision trailed all over Lisa; his eyes widened when his eyes were perched on Lisa's golden hair just flowing vividly.

Gulping slightly, he couldn't find himself to say anything. She had completely changed, from her face and everything else was beautiful.

He couldn't help but become awestruck; his mouth was left agape.

Lisa arched a brow, "You alright?"

Nodding frantically, Ten rushed away in pure embarrassment; he was simply astonished by her beauty.

"Ah! Ten..." Lisa sighed, now she was left alone again.


The loud bell vibrated throughout the entire School. Students started making their way inside, leaving Lisa behind as she just stared blankly.

Awh damn it...

She slowly started walking, then started sprinting when no one was observing her.

This is gonna be painfully boring.


It was insanely awkward, especially for Lisa as she kept getting stares from every direction; especially the boys.

She had the urge to just shove a pencil up their eyes since they kept eyeing her up at every chance presentable.


Ugh... here we go again.

Tilting her head, she perched onto her resting elbow and hummed slightly; completely ignoring him.


Opening one eye in annoyance, Lisa was met with a rather short and obese person. He was bespectacled, and slightly nervous.

"Yes?" Lisa replied, she sat up and faced towards him.

"Um... can I—" He paused slightly and turned around before frantically turned back to face Lisa.

Lisa frowned slightly.

What's wrong with him?

"Um... can I h—have you number?"

Lisa just sat there in awe. She genuinely didn't know what to do because she didn't have her phone either; rather it was lost.

"Sorry, I don't have my phone." Lisa responded truthfully.

Snippets of laughter resonated behind the nervous boy. Lisa glared towards them, it was obvious that they were making fun of him.

They are laughing at him...

Did they dare him to do it?

The boy started walking away, but Lisa grabbed him arm with a smile.

"Why don't you sit here?"

A slight blush came from the contact and her offer.

"I—I can't..." He replied, truth is that he was being used. Glancing around, all he could see was sharp and deadly gazes from his peers.

Lisa arched a brow once more. Sighing as she raised herself up and reached for another chair by her table.

"See? Wasn't hard right." Smiling, Lisa gestured him to sit down besides her.

Her smile was too alluring, the boy gave in and sat down besides her.

"What's your name?"

Stiffening at the request, the boy shuffled nervously before responding with a very quiet voice.

"Jack... my name is Jack."

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now