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"And who are you?"

Raising himself towards the student, Ten stood there with that question drilled to his face. Lisa on the other hand kept a crude eye.

The intruder was rather tall, he had flawless hair, green—tinted eyes and a mellow toned skin; his legs were visibly long, and a cut jawline which seemed like they've been constantly damaged before as it hardened overtime.

Jack shook his head consciously, "No guys its fine." He smiled softly before walking with him.

"No. You aren't going anywhere." Lisa gave a stern look towards the student.

"This doesn't concern you two." The student pointed out, he began gripping on Jack's wrist as he attempted to forcefully pulled him out.

Before Ten could react, Lisa elbowed the joint of his arm which released Jack. The student yelped in pain, but the shock subdued in seconds.

"You... you are painfully annoying." His glare turned into a matter of grinning as he began lightly jumping forwards and backwards in a rhythm.

"Oh no..." Ten whispered as he jumped in front of Lisa.

"Stand back Lisa," the look of concern took over, Ten's arm made a bridge between the two them.

Lisa arched a brow in confusion, "Why would I need to?"


It wasn't even a second. The speed was insane as a ominous left kick nearly slammed underneath Ten's jaw. Only having a second to react, Ten twisted his neck which the kick only skimmed him; he kept a distance this time as he adjusted his stance before finishing off his sentence.

"—he does kickboxing!"

The people around them started to take notice of the drama, a small crowd began to stare; not a single person wanting to interrupt their fight.


Lisa became more aware after that mention. She had definitely heard it before, popular in the arts of fighting or marital arts since it was known for the usage of an individuals legs and most of all... their unbelievable speed.

"You have a good eye." The student smirked, "I've been trained in this art for a year." He kept switching leg stances which kept Ten at unease.

"So?! What if? You are using that power to abuse other people!" Lisa shouted, Jack shut his eyes not wanting to show himself to Lisa as the crowd kept increasing.

"Naive," the student replied. "It's all about business dear." He smirked as he slowly approached Jack once more.

"I'll give you one last chance. Hand him over and I'll let you guys free."

"Over my dead body."

Lisa protectingly stood over Jack, the student arched a brow in surprise since this wasn't the response he was ever expecting when coming here.

"Have it your way..." he walked forward and towards them; his entire body itched for another strike.


Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now