「If My Legs Were Broken」

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I wonder if you'll ever recognise me...

Do you ever think about me...

Glance at me...

You are difficult...

Why is it so difficult...

The thing I always want...

It's always difficult...

You are so close...


You are so far away...

You keep drifting...

I keep wondering...

Is that a bad thing...

I may not get to you...

But you guide me...

Out of this darkness...

And into your light...


The once quiet breeze instantaneously became shattered, the racers zoomed past generating a considerable amount of accumulated dust.

However, two specific racers stood out sorely amongst the racers and unlike the others, they weren't slowing down.

Fans intensify their screams; the squall was by far extraordinarily high with the sound limit surpassing compact gates.

All that surrounding intensity focused onto two leading participants.

Their speed rapidly increases as one attempts to cross the other in a never ending will and determination.

"Hah—ha!" BamBam gasped for air, his continuation of pace was untouched.

Jungkook ignored the panting, being absorbed into the race he couldn't care about anything else.

He wanted to win.

BamBam became infuriated, slowing down behind Jungkook his delusional side slowly escaped to the surface.

"You just don't give up!" Evidently angry, BamBam picked up the pace.

Jungkook glanced to his side to meet eye level with the person he despises the most.

At that exact moment, he remembers something important.

"Lisa is mine..."

BamBam slowly gained the lead, he imagined it was the perfect opportunity to knock some sense into somebody.

"I hope you realise—" BamBam took a huge chunk of oxygen to steady his leading pace before continuing to talk.

"That you are just pathetic!" Grinning, he was satisfied as he began increasing his pace to the maximum.

Jungkook bites his lip.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now