「Doesn't Concern Me」

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"Sucks doesn't it?" Ten muttered silently, poking the clean—white bed sheets as he spoke.

Jack blankly stared at Ten, before shaking his head quietly.

"We did our best."

Tsugua who leaned against the wall, observed the two quietly while contemplating something.

What had happened?

Judging from their injuries...

Someone must of helped them.

Noticing Tsugua not conversing, Jack arches a brow before speaking.

"Tsu. How'd you know we were here?"

Breaking from his thoughts, Tsugua gave a small smile.

"I guessed."

Jack and Ten couldn't help but think that was one Hell of a lucky guess.

"So... mind telling me what happened?" Tsugua curiously asked while finding a disowned black—tripod seat and plumping himself down.

Ten gazed at the bed sheets quietly. His memories were blank, there was nothing else he could remember but Jack being captured and a mysterious person popping up.

"Someone saved us."

Tsugua glanced towards Jack.

"Someone saved you?"

Biting his lip, Jack nodded repeatedly. His mind was sub—absent, that mysterious person was truly something else and it's bothering him.

"Who was this someone?" Tsugua asked, the curiosity deepened.

Shaking his head lightly, Jack stared into Tsugua eyes.

"I don't know... and also... please don't tell anyone about this Tsu. It was a promise I must keep."

Observing the seriousness on Jack's face, Tsugua eventually nodded before adjusting himself off the seat and heading towards the door.

"Rest well." A smile southerend, Tsugua waved before leaving completely as the illusionary wind drafted inside once more.

A deep sigh emerged. Jack glanced to his side as Ten laid back and faced the somewhat interesting ceiling.

"We... always get the bad end of the stick huh?" Ten groaned. Lifting his hand slowly, each finger intertwined with each other as Ten tried finding ways to relieve his stress and boredom.

The bespectacled boy couldn't help but agree with him completely.

"...you know. I was once an idol." Ten spoke with no emotion; like if he was speaking to his own sub—conscious.

Tuning in, Jack arched a brow in surprise as he listened intently.

"Our group was doing so well... but our company decided something else." Staring blankly, Ten sighed once again.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now