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"So... what are you going to do?"

Jennie sighed, Taehyung started following her around ever since he discovered her inside the building.

"Why are you following me?!" Jennie hissed back.

"Because I am worried for you." Taehyung replied with a straight face, but somehow it still had a considerable effect on a certain someone.

"W-WORRIED?!" Jennie fumbled, she walked away from Taehyung as fast as she could. Her every step made a tremendous echo in the hallway.

Taehyung smiled as he continued to follow her through the hallway.

Jennie stopped as she walked inside another door without thinking.

It was a dead end.

"Crap..." Before she could leave the room, Taehyung was already blocking the doorway.

"Can you move please?" Jennie asked, but Taehyung just shrugged.

"Tch..." Jennie tried squeezing through, but Taehyung was too strong, she tried pushing against his belly, but the feeling of his abdominals compelled her from doing so.

She huffed, "What do you want?!"


That cool composure she tried to hold immediately melted away, that one word sealed the deal.

Taehyung smirked as he walked.

"Wha-a are you tryin-" as she walked back, Jennie hit a wall, his approach came closer to her.

Taehyung bent down while slamming his arm against the wall.

"No one can hear us or see us here. So whatcha think..."

Jennie tried pushing back, but what Taehyung said next completely froze her.

"...wanna get it down?"

She retracted her arms back like two pairs of paws and crouched down trying to defend her body.

"Y-you are n-not taking me..." almost whimpering, Jennie's blushed furiously at his suggestion.

After a few silent seconds, a slow laughter could be heard.

'Huh?' Jennie looked up, Taehyung was laughing.

"I-I was just joking! God your reaction was priceless." Taehyung grinned as he helped Jennie back on her feet.

Jennie was dumbfounded.

" you... were playing with me?" She quietly asked.

"Obviously, why do you ask?" Taehyung innocently replied.

"IDIOT!" Jennie elbowed him and ran out of the encased room.

Taehyung took in the blow, he didn't bother chasing her since the confusion took over his state of mind.

"Ow... she has quite the elbow."

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now