「Be Strong」

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You are such an evil person...

Breaking my walls...

Stealing my heart...

Without me even knowing...

I hate thieves...

Especially you...


It was horrifically intense, awaiting moment before the start.

Idols and fans alike harden due to phenomenal pressure caused by two specific competitors.

Anxiety crashes on Lisa as she curls into a ball, not wanting to observe the race, she sat frozen.


Lisa immediately became free from her comfort enclosure, she peaked behind her to meet a deeper hazel eyes.

"Tzuyu?" Lisa was surprised to meet her here.

She nodded her head, "I just wanted to say something to you."

"I am listening..." Lisa replied.

Tzuyu smiled softly, "I won't give up on him, remember that..."

This didn't ring any bells to Lisa.

What is she on about?

She started walking back to her group, "I'll give you the win this time."
Adjusting her arm, she flicked it to create a recognisable peace sign.

That was odd...

Lisa sighs as she hears a familiar joke once more.

"Lisa, I honestly think you should concentrate more on your boyfriend..." Chae scolded her sarcastically.

"But the race hasn't even started."
Lisa moved to the open spots.

"I can't bear to watch it..."

Rosé moved beside Lisa with a saddened expression.

"He loves you..."

Lisa became irritated, "Like I said–"
Looking her at her Unnie's searing eyes, she noticed something.

She wasn't joking.

Lisa stared through her eyes, the blonde clueless Maknae never understood.

Chae sighs at her friend's lack of social intelligence.

"Listen Lisa... One way or another, someone will take him away."

Examining her nails, she continued talking, "So don't miss this opportunity..."

"I don't understand what you are saying..." Lisa could tell if her Unnie's are serious or joking around.

This was serious.

"I worry for you..." Leaving her nails, she faces Lisa with extremely concerned expressions.

"One day we won't be here Lisa," A slight formation of tear blinded her eyes.

"So t-that's why..."

Chae covered her eyes with her bangs, unable to face her.

"That's why you will need someone who will stay with you for as long as you live."

"You are joking with me Unnie..." Lisa laughs for reassurance, but Chae untainted sad expression put her efforts to no effect.

Chae's voice began to break, she couldn't speak or even meet Lisa's eyes.

"W—Why a—are you making it sound..." Lisa bit her lips to regain her voice but to no avail.

Jennie and Jisoo observed the scenario the entire time.

"I don't understand..."

Lisa eyes welled with tears, Chae could just watch before everything disappeared.

Jisoo walked closer and and hugged her instinctively.

"You don't have to..."

Jisoo's tears soaked her mascara as she hugged Lisa.

"We will always love you like our little sister... always..."

Lisa shook her head, "W—What is happening?!" She pleaded for an answer.

Jennie looked to the ground, not wanting to meet her once strong lovable sister's eyes.

"I've known you... I've loved you... I've cared for you for as long as I can remember and I don't ever regret it."

Jennie moved closer and set her forehead gently onto Lisa's.

"Don't be a—afraid..."

Jennie's once strong mask faded, she began breaking, hiccuping when speaking as she closed her eyes.

"W—We will a—always," Chae couldn't face Lisa nor finish her sentence.

"—love you... All t—three of us will always love you Lisa..."

Jisoo buried her face, not wanting Lisa to see her pained expression.

Jennie's tears broke through the dark long lashes as she smiled for the last time.

"You have to be strong..."

The blonde couldn't accept anything.

Her mind...

Her soul...

Her heart...

It's beginning to break...

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now