「The Beauty」

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"Oi. How come the squirt is speaking to her?" A rough voice echoed through the tainted alleyway which was laid next to the massive School. The two students on the opposite side gulped, knowing full well he wasn't extremely delighted.

"I don't know..." A nervous student replied, anxiously wishing time halted.

"Failing me as usual. Listen," Walking out of the alleyway was a taller and more muscular brute. His eyebrows were roughed, a visible scar cut between his right eye as if he had a deadly knife fight. His entire body was covered in spiral tattoos as smoke escaped his lungs, but he also wore a School shirt and tie which indicated he was a student of the same School.

Raising his finger towards one of the students, he smirked.

"Bring that boy to me."

The two students coughed at the smoke produced, nothing could be said as one of them nodded in horror.



That bell rang through Lisa like a relief bomb, she couldn't be any happier to realise that this class had ended.

"Come on, lets go Jack." Lisa stood up and walked towards the door.

Jack attempted to follow, but darting eyes shot him, immediately scaring him from following her.

Lisa sighed, bullies were the worst and she too had experienced it before; that was more than enough reason to be friends with Jack.

Seizing his arm once more, Lisa started dragging the smaller man outside.

"Why do you let them do that to you?" Lisa asked, not allowing her furious side to surface.

Jack declined his head, "Because there is nothing I can do about it." His shallow response drowned Lisa's heart.

"Then why don't you tell the teacher?" Lisa asked since it was the most logical thing to do.

Jack sighed, "They can't do anything about it... I've tried and it's out of their power." He faked a smile as he thought even that could change a thing.

"Fight back."

Jack's expression changed, eyes wide open as he looked up.

Lisa smiled brightly as she repeated those same words.

"Fight back Jack."

Those words comforted him, but deep down he knew he wasn't capable of fighting back or even defending himself from anything.

"Lisa... I don't think I can—"

Seizing his arm once again, Lisa pulled him towards the canteen. Jack couldn't help but feel his face burn from her touch; he faced the ground, not wanting to show any of it.

Fight back huh...

Sneakily looking at Lisa's perfect face with the corner of his pupil, he started becoming awe—struck.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now