「Strange Feelings」

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"Good! Great Lisa! We are done for today, take a break for the time being

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"Good! Great Lisa! We are done for today, take a break for the time being." The photographer switched each light reflecting variants off and also the camera.

Lisa bobs her head as she makes her way to her new stylist; fashion stylist.

Something bothered Lisa about her new stylist since she was awfully familiar but she just couldn't figure out why she was familiar.

The stylist greeted Lisa with a smile, "Excellent as always Lisa," As the stylist made a gesture towards an empty seat, "Now let's get that makeup off you."

Approaching the shiny yet darkened seat, Lisa slumps down, her expression somewhat un—lively.

As time progressed, the stylist steadily noticed her change in demeanour since it wasn't as bright or lively as before.

Snatching the cloth, the stylist cleaned Lisa's perfect face, smooth as it was even the stylist noticed something different that contributed to her outward appearance.

"Lisa, your skin is looking more amazing today," The stylist couldn't believe her eyes, "What did you eat over the past week?"

A slump blonde beauty shrugged, "I don't know," Meeting her stylist's eyes, she gave a half—witted response, "Is there something wrong with it?"

Raising her hands, she denies that there was something wrong, "No! Your skin actually have gone even more amazing than before Lisa."

Lisa bobs her head slightly, "How's that?" Her intuitive was striking.

"No clue, but your appearance is more flushed than usual, nice rosy touch to it." The stylist added with a hint of envy; on par with jealousy.

Dismissing her superstitious behaviour, Lisa faced forward and let the warm water flow through her graceful, smooth hair.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Almost choking or jumping out of her seat, Lisa spins her head around, "W—What?!" She was clearly shocked.

The stylist hums while grinning, "That explains everything," Her sarcasm was painfully obvious, but she carried on talking, "Oh how I've missed youth."

"I—I don't know what you are talking about—" Lisa attempted to keep a very straight yet serious face.

"You can't fool me Lisa." The stylist laughed at Lisa's attempt to deceive her; it was utterly priceless.

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