「Without You」

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"Where'd you think these scum could be?!" Jack panted as his foot clanked repeatedly against the floor.

Running along, Ten kept a clear eye on everything and anything.

Jack's right.

Where could they be?

We need to find them.

If we do...

His breath fastened, increasing as they both paced across the bridge connecting the two buildings of the entire Heaven's High School.

...we can find Lisa—

Ten's eyes widened.

Jack slumped, narrowing his eyes as he watched him approach.

"Didn't think I'd find you first."

"Arlo..." Jack venomously spitted.

Immediately, Ten covered Jack as Arlo approached closer.

"You can't protect him forever." Arlo calmly said, his every step echoed which made it more intimidating.

"He's right Ten so stop—"

"You're right."

Interrupting Jack, Ten closed his eyes and replied with the tone of regret.

"But that doesn't mean I'll stop trying." His eyes reopened with an array of determination and willpower.

Arlo paused, his eyes conceded as he stepped a foot back and sighed.

What is he doing—

"You'll try huh?"

Ten gulped and Jack froze as they both felt a bigger presence behind them; his voice made them quiver as their own wounds start to ache and cry out.

"Then you'll die trying."


"Those two..." BamBam gazed outside the window, observing each area out of pure boredom as he contemplates.

What does he mean by...

Don't follow us?

A slump feeling overcame him.

That idiot...

He couldn't possibly mean—

"Excuse me."

BamBam was startled for a second, his head glanced slowly to meet another person with the same School attire; moving his line of sight, BamBam's eyes widened as he realised who he exactly was.

It's one of those three guys!

Then that big one must be—

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now