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"Right?! I mean the guy zoomed past me! I call cheats man." Ten ranted as he slammed his fist down to support his views.

"Damn. You shouldn't have let him escape that cheat!" Jack replied furiously.

Lisa just drank while watching them both interact. She couldn't help but smile since Jack has finally stopped being nervous and became more socially interactive.

He is getting better now...


He kinda reminds me of someone.

Someone who was like him...

Very nervous at first...

But changed after...

The realisation sank in as Lisa gazed down, she sulked quietly. After her phone went missing, she wasn't able to contact or stay in touch with him at all.


The two realised her sudden change in mood. "Should we discuss about something else?" Ten suggested with a laugh which caught Lisa's attention as she waved her hands in denial when she realised that she had interrupted their discussion.

Jack loved the idea and nodded, Ten smiled and announced the game.

"Alright! This game is called truth or dare!" His declaration wasn't needed, yet he went on with it.

"Basically in this game, you have to—"

"I think we know how to play truth or dare Ten." Lisa interrupted.

Ten coughed. "Whatever."

"So what now?" Jack replied in confusion.

"See!" Ten shouted victoriously as he pointed a finger towards Lisa.

"Don't you dare point that finger at—"

"No, I mean who goes first?" Jack interrupted them.

Lisa grinned in victory as Ten sat down gloomy. "So ladies first?" Ten smirked.

Lisa smiled, "Then it's your queue."

"Very funny Lisa." Ten replied, defeated in a game of comebacks.

"I'll go first."

Another voice came behind Lisa and Jack. This voice was all too familiar to Lisa as she immediately tensed.

"Bam..." Lisa spoke, not being able to trust him at all.

"Lisa..." BamBam replied anxiously as he walked on the opposite side of the squarish table.

"I don't want to talk—"

"Lisa please." BamBam pleadingly searched inside her eyes.

Jack and Ten gulped, the tension between the two grew high.

After a solid minute, Lisa sighed.

"Fine, spit it."

BamBam smiled, "I realised all the wrongs I've done... I also realised this has hurt our friendship..." keeping that sad expression entailed, Lisa couldn't help but become sad as well; but she wasn't convinced yet.

"How can I trust you?" Lisa asked, her eyes steeled as if lies couldn't hide from it at all.

BamBam shakes his head lightly, "Thought you might ask me that."

Rummaging through his side pocket, BamBam takes out Lisa's phone.


Lisa's eyes widened, she almost yelped but managed to keep it in.

"Where'd you find it?" She exclaimed as she grabbed the phone and examined it carefully.

"By a riverbank, it was damaged and soaked in water." BamBam replied, his concern for her phone was abnormal.

Lisa then remembered; Jungkook was play—fighting with her and that's when it must of fallen out.

Blushing slightly at the memory, Lisa glanced down at everyone's gaze and just looked at her phone.

I wonder how he is doing...


"Um anyway. Nice meeting you, my name is Ten!" The smile never seems to have shimmered off as he goes for a quick handshake.

BamBam stared blankly before accepting the handshake. "My name is BamBam, nice to meet you."

Jack just stared at them all blankly, he had no idea of anything that had happened; he just sat quietly.

"Aight, so we playing this game?" Ten announced once more. BamBam and Jack nodded while Lisa kept staring at her phone.

"Come on Lisa!" Ten examined which grabbed her attention.

Lisa blinked a few times before nodding quickly.

"Alright! Who wants to go first?" Ten asked, while keeping a stylish pose.

No one raised an arm, BamBam kept staring at the table, Lisa poked her phone and Jack seemed nervous once more which added onto the briefness of the boring game.

"Alright it seems like—"

"I'll go."

Jack suddenly spoke in. Ten smirked, "So truth or dare?"

Contemplating within his mind, Jack knew he wasn't really good at dishing out dares or even completing them. But he can certainty say the truth since there aren't many question that can affect him at all.

The smaller bespectacled boy met Ten's eyes with determination.


BamBam and Lisa stared at Jack, this was beginning to get interesting.

Ten's smirk was never leaving, it was actually growing further as he approached Jack across the table.

"Do you have a crush?"

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now