Heaven Gazers

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"Is this a great idea..." Her voice trembled, shadows consumed every aspect of the area they traversed in.

The result was total darkness.

"Yes," A comforting voice replied, "Just stay behind me."

Desperately seeking light towards the suspicious sounds down this specific alleyway, the two finally find a clear opening.

"Let's go Tzu." Almost whispering the last few words for her not to hear.

Tzuyu grinned at Ten's attempt to give her such a cute nickname.

Running halfway, the light expanded overtime, more detail exposed in variants and inner adrenaline calmed.


Crashing to an immediate stop, a man who's clothing was completely in black, yet similar to a guard's attire crashed against the side of this dark alleyway.

"A-Are you ok?!" Instantly coming to the strangers assistance, Ten holds his arm over his shoulder to gently lift him.

"I-I am fine." The guard replied, his body was shaking from the collision.

"Right, you have any idea who did this to you?" To a closer inspection to the guard, Ten realises this isn't just any ordinary guard.

"Baekhyun?!" Almost shouting it from shock rather than excitement, the poor guard cringed from the sound.

"Y-yes. Please keep it down." Extremely exhausted, Baekhyun stares at the light opening.

"I must stop him."

"Stop who?" While helping Baekhyun up with his shoulder, Ten followed his line of sight and gasped in shock when he discovers six people tormenting Baekhyun's fellow friends.

"STOP THIS!" Ten's voice instinctively called out towards them.

Tzuyu gulped, seeing the look of anger through Ten's eyes concerned her, "Ten... You can't possibly-"

His determined eyes were set afoot.

"I've seen enough."

Making one more step, Ten was officially instated into the vicious battle field where only hounds exist.

Gather enough girth into his voice, the eyes that were once calm transforms and his final warning slips.

"Stand down or I'll make you."

Tzuyu gulped, "Bangtan?!" She whispered to herself in shock and the atmosphere was almost choke-worthy because standing before her were people that she admired, but Ten was against them.

"Was that a threat?" The tallest of the six replied, his voice had a sense of uncontrollable commandment; truly admirable leadership.

"Absolutely," Ten approached them with his fist tightening, "The way I see it," Ten points at them, "You people are the bad guys."

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