「Once Again」

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"Ah... what did I tell ya? Isn't it better to relax here than go into useless lectures?" Ten grinned, stretching his torso and twisting his neck which relieved a miniature amount of stress.

Jack couldn't deny it himself. The feeling of being rebellious never set foot inside his mind, the thought of missing class was horrific; yet here he is missing important lectures with Ten.

Smiling to himself, he has discarded a piece of himself that he'd never thought would disappear; in fear of doing what his mind really wanted since others would usually forcefully stop him.

Inhaling slowly, and exhaling slowly; they both remained in that position without exchanging a single word to each other.

The sky dimmed, clouds submerged between the light, ultimately covering the School and shading it from the light above; in addition, wind started picking up and dashing around street corners in a quick motion.

"Fight back."

Jack frowned, the thought of Lisa reappeared again. Digging his nails inside the soil that was beneath his hand, Jack's expression hardened as his frown ultimately deepened.

What do you mean fight back...

I couldn't even save myself...

Let alone...

Save you...

Hair dangled beneath the glasses, slightly covering his vision as it rested against the side of his nose.

"Fight back Jack."

I don't understand...

What do you mean by that...

I can't fight back...

I can't...

Jack unconsciously clenched his jaw, he was starting to lost his sanity as he tried responding to the blonde's voice in his deepest subconscious.

"You know."

Ten finally spoke up, his eyes were shut completely as if allowing nature become one with himself. Broken from his subconscious chains, Jack peeped at Ten; his glasses half—worn between the crook of the nose and one part dangling slightly from his left ear.

"...we will save her."

The confidence in his voice was remarkable, Jack's growing sadness slowly vanquished as he formed a tiny smile at the corner of his lips.

"So don't worry about it." Smiling as he did, Ten shifted his head into a more comfortable position.

Yeah... he's right...

Wait for us...



Pumps of smoke escaped a dark alleyway, covering the air as it floated momentarily before disappearing.

"Ah... nothing better than a good smoke." Reiner laughed.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now