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"So this is where you ran to."

A man with partially dark hair spoke, his complete attire was battered and ripped to the sole with nothing else left to conceal or protect him with.

"Watch your mouth." Ten replied, keeping a cool head as the five strangers began closing in.

"This pip—squeak has a friend!" Another man shouted with laughter.

"...interesting." The man paused with a visible smirk.

"You ran to Heaven's High?"

The mention of their School left shivers down Jack's spine.

"No..." he weakly responded, but the truth was there.

"You can't lie to me pip—squeak." His reply was calm, yet it roared towards the bespectacled boy.


Before Ten could pull a punch, Jack reacted faster and stopped him.

"You can't... look at your injuries Ten." Jack slowly shook his head, both hands pulling Ten behind him.

"Take this chance to run."

A bewildered expression hit Ten as he observed the smaller man, standing strong in front of him.

He is strong.


He is brave.

"I'll stick with you."

Heck... I am kinda jealous.

"We are a team ay?"

Raising a thumbs up with his signature grin, Jack couldn't help but feel a warm sensation; he was truly grateful to have a friend like him.

"Are you two done with your cringe—worthy talking there?" One of the five spoke, his vicious intent didn't stop there as he grabbed Jack by the collar.

Swinging his fist, Ten smashed the stranger right against his cheekbone.


Watching is slightly horror, there was something terribly wrong.

It had no effect.

"You think your punches can do anything?" He replied with laughter.

"Tch..." Ten forcefully snatched Jack and jumped backwards.

"We have to run Jack... look the girl escaped and—"

Amidst of talking, the same man executed a fast kick. Ten widened his eyes in surprise as he reacted by lifting his arm to guard Jack and himself.

Blowing them both back by a few centimetres, they landed smack—down on their backs; pained breaths exhaled and inhaled from Ten as Jack sat up with a dreadful expression.

"Pip—squeak. You are coming with us." The one who kicked them spoke. His figure was intimidating, completely towering over Jack and a completely exhausted Ten.

His eyes sank in like daggers. Without finding a chance to escape from this situation, Jack glanced briefly at Ten before making his final decision.

"I'll come... but please spare him." Clashing both hands together, Jack pleaded for this one request.

Having an ounce of consciousness left, Ten grabbed Jack's ankle with an intense glare.

"...w—what are you doing?!" Ten asked, exhaling painfully as their eyes meet.

"Enough of this." The partially dark—haired man spoke up amongst the five as he forcefully broke the grip between Ten and Jack; in addition, he started dragging the bespectacled boy.


Trying to muster the energy to his feet, but he just couldn't.

It's happening again...

Slumping on a final arm, his expression dulled as he gazed at Jack slowly drifting away from him; an image of Lisa being dragged away folded together with him.

Is there really...

...nothing I can do?

"Hey. Are you ok?"

Hearing a mysterious voice from behind him, Ten grunted slightly as he tried to muster the strength to speak.

"Please help him..."

Putting his lasting pieces of energy into pointing towards Jack, Ten's body slumped towards the ground.

"Rest. I will do it."

The voice put him to ease, footsteps echoed through the alleyway as he walked in front of Ten; his vision darkened as he slowly faints.


"Tch... we'll get them next time." Reiner spoke with a tint of anger. Glaring at the wall next to him, he smashed it with all his might as few dusts and a mild amount of stone particles swayed towards the ground; his skin was untouched.

Axel stayed quiet, observing was kind of his specialty and as a guardsman for the leader of his Dynasty; he's needed to be like this.

But those three...

Axel's expression narrowed, vividly thinking for a fraction of a second.

How come I've never heard of them.

"What's this."

Broken from his preposterous thoughts, Axel gazed at where Reiner was looking at.

This is?!

Arlo's expression hardened as he observed what was presented in front of them.

"They are..." Arlo spoke as he managed to obtain a clearer view.

Reiner grunted in response.

"No doubt about it."

Axel and Arlo gulped in horror as they stared at the unconscious bodies.

"Walts were beaten."

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now