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"Ok. All clear, I think we can make our escape Ten." Jack spoke as he popped his head around the empty corridor.

"Damn right... I don't want that nurse being all 'you shouldn't leave because your hurt' type of thing." Ten snarled as he mocked her voice distinctively.

Chuckling slightly, Jack flicked his finger out as a signal to move.

They made their escape.

"Should we go back to class?" Jack asked or suggested.

Giving a disgusted look, Ten grimaced as he replies, "why Jack? Classes are super—duper boring like... lets go outside again."

Cringing slightly at the thought of laying outside for the whole School hours since last time, his entire muscle cavity was completely sore and moving was a massive problem.

However, contemplating both ideas, going outside wasn't as bad as staying inside and studying relentlessly.

Jack hummed at the thought himself as they both sneaked around the empty corridors in hopes of not being caught.

"I think we should—"

Ten immediately jerked Jack into the stairway, both their eyes widened as Ten whispered, "that was a close one."

Giving his own confused look, Jack reared around and peered into the once—desolate hallway to find that same nurse who tortured them before.


"Damn!" Ten kicked the wall, they were legit so close from escaping.

Seeing his reaction, Jack couldn't blame him; his eyes wondered above the staircase and an idea came into a bright plan.

"What about we relax on the rooftop?" Jack suggested.

The idea made Ten blink, a smile erupted as he immediately dragged a sudden—shocked Jack and rushed towards the top of the School.


So he won't help...

BamBam's expression mulled as he closes the School doors to exit.

Where is Lisa?

He looks around the deserted School—grounds in a wary attempt to search for the missing blonde.

Should I call the Police—

One rough and two light footsteps were trudging in the distance; in the direction of the metal gates.

"What about the teachers?"

"Arlo, you scared?"

"No Reiner... just—"

"Then shut up. I'll do it."

BamBam stood silently as he observed the newcomers walking down the isolated playground.

Who are they?

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now