He Cannot Win

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"Sheesh that idiot!"

The footsteps rushed, heavy panting emitted from her as she hung onto a double barrelled door.

"Wh-why is he..." Jennie panted for air, the running wasn't what had exhausted her, but something else.

Quietly narrowing her features, she grabbed her pounding heart as if it was missing something.

Something important.

"Why am I feeling like this?" Jennie muttered as she glanced back into the hallway, her heart started to beat again; like an irresistible pheromone attracting her.

Shaking herself free from any thought, Jennie grasped the handle tightly as she pushes it, almost tripping slightly, but managing to catch her balance.

The twin doors allowed fresh air to blow through, individual hinges became cleaner, speckles of dust hovered a centimetre from the ground and the light pierced everything.

Everything seemed quiet, but that wasn't exactly the case.

Voices emerged from afar, one dominantly male and the other sweetly female; going hand to hand.

"Come on Tzu... why can't we go somewhere else?"

"We have to Ten... I have to see him..."

Jennie hummed, this definitely piqued her curiosity as she swiftly stepped back through the door she entered from and hid around the corner.

"Y...you really like him... don't you?"

The footsteps suddenly stopped.

"...yes, I like him..."

The awkward silence between the two went on for another minute before they both continued walking though the hallway.

"Poor him..." Jennie quietly spoke.


Jennie was startled by the sudden noise, she glanced around to see the elevator number gradually coming up.

"Who else now..." Jennie sighed, she stuck herself against a wall, concealing her from view.


The doors opened, murmurs of voices mixed inside the elevator as they slowly step out individually.

"He must be somewhere here."

"Good work Jimine, you should be a detective."

"I'll smack you Yoongi Hyung!"

"Can you even reach my face?"

"You are smaller than the rest!"

"You two, shut it."

Hiding behind the wall, their conversation came to a sudden halt.

Jennie clicked her tongue, "They sound familiar... very familiar."

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now