「Unexpected Events」

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The Sun was slowly fading away into the horizon, it was truly a prehistoric beauty or primal fashion; embodiment of a celestial being the Sun.

Walking towards the horizon was a very annoyed Lisa; possibly death—warningly angry.

Lisa sighed. Allowing herself to relax, the stress that overcame her wasn't from the excruciating modelling and teasing treatment; rather it was from a certain person she knew.


What is it now...

Text Messages

Lisa just why?

I told you!

Seriously why did
you reject!

I explained it a million
times and I will say it
once more. The idea
of the modelling was
for a couples motif!
Bringing you in would
be weird!

What's wrong with
us being a couple!

What do you mean
what's wrong?!
You are my friend
oh my gosh!

You never thought
I had feelings for you?!

You know I hate this
type of thing...

Then why the hell
did you pick him...

Jesus listen! Me and
Jungkook have nothing
going on! It was just a

Just a photoshoot?!
It was the couples

It was just concept,
please understand.

I forbid you to ever
contact Jungkook, ever.
Understand Lisa?

You don't control
my life...



Clenching her fist in sudden rage, Lisa closed her eyes and attempted to process everything that had happened.

Why are you acting like this Bam...

It almost seems like...

You lo—


Another message?

Lisa glanced at the phone with uncertainty, the feeling of another argument foreshadowed inside her head and ultimately made everything more tense for the blonde.

Who is it now...

Slowly opening the phone, Lisa bites her lips and checks the message.

Her eyes widen.

Hey Lisa!


Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now