「Past & Present & Future」

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"Fight back."


Jack squirmed around in bed, sweat dripped down as his mind was being attacked by a ruthless nightmare.

"Fight back Jack."


His hand clenched the pillow by his head, arms were tangled through the white—fur duvet as his thighs pushed down against the bed.

"You didn't save me Jack."



Flinging himself forward, his breathing excelled, both his mind and chest started to pound from the unwanted nightmare. His vision was blurry, but he could see that the nightmare finally ended which ultimately calmed him.

"...just a nightmare." He wistfully spoke. Jack looked around the room, it had a familiar scent to it and extraordinary bright white compared to his own bedroom.

Is this...

His eyes roamed, finding several bandages, first—aid kit, drawers, medicines and mixture of products all set upon each other; a fire extinguisher laid amongst the door in addition to a small closet with a jammed lock, tinted with excess foil for a reason not known.

"Your awake."

Jack nearly had another heart attack when that voice popped out of nowhere. Clutching his chest once again, Jack glared at the direction of the voice and there standing is a person he had never seen before.

"Relax Jack, the names Tsugua."

How does he know my name?

"How'd you know my name?" Jack asked, the trust wasn't there nor were any connections made between them.

Tsugua smiled as he sat besides the opposite side of Jack. "Your friend Ten told me. You guys were injured so Ive taken you two here to heal."

Feeling another tinge of pain, Jack realised his back must of taken in all the impact from the concrete. "Thanks..." Jack groaned, struggling to form any words as he did.

"No worries, please heal." Tsugua insisted as he headed for the door.

"Wait! Tsugua... who are you?" Jack curiously asked since he has never saw him before.

Tsugua paused briefly, he glanced over his shoulder and smiled.

"Just a friend."


"Where are the archives?" BamBam talked, but knowing full well he wouldn't be able to find an answer.

Something boggled his mind yesterday, especially the group that called themselves a certain Dynasty, but what are they a Dynasty of exactly?

Do they have a history?

He traced his finger tips through each file dating years back, every section referenced certain eras, certain cultures, certain parts of history about this place... but nothing mentioned about this Dynasty.

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