Mind & Power

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"A minute... you say?" Yugyeom spoke, but a sense of fear ran through his spine; that sense of powerlessness.

"Did I stutter?" Namjoon replied, his sense of dominance was overwhelming.

"I... You are bluffing." Regaining his composure, Yugyeom brushed away his overwhelming confidence.

"Am I?"

Everyone gulped.

His presence continued to plague the entire field, there was something about Namjoon that made everyone feel more or less... powerless.

"Lets get our facts straight." Inserting a hand into his sleeve, he began talking into an analytical sense.

"You mentioned Eve holding an Apple which forces her to lie. There is also Adam who isn't holding any will-bending objects, but he can see the Golden Light. Finding the doorway to the Golden Light with a single question whilst avoiding the Apple doorway, but the problem is that both doorways are identical and so are Adam and Eve..."

Making gestures out of nowhere, Namjoon deduction confused Bangtan, EXO and GOT7, but they kept a straight face during the incoming explanation.

Silence filled the emptiness.

The emitting sounds of swallowing could be heard, the thickness of the tense atmosphere aroused to a point to where nobody made a physical nor a mental movement.

"I've solved it."

'HUH?!' Mouth wide open, none of the opposing members believed it. He solved a question that is supposed to take at least a year, and solved it during the first twenty seconds!

Still keeping the cool composure, Yugyeom didn't step down.

"Then explain yourself..." As Yugyeom spoke those words, everyone gulped... it was showdown.

He steps forward...

"The answer is simple: Where would your friend point if I asked them which doorway leads to the Golden Light?"

His arms floated in the wind...

"Now allow me to explain: since Eve always Lies due to the Apple and Adam always tells the Truth due to the Light, then the question comes into effect. I asked: Where would your friend point if I asked them which doorway leads to the Golden Light? Firstly Adam will point to the Apple doorway since he knows that Eve will Lie and point away from the Light doorway. This works the same way with Eve, she would point to the Apple doorway as well because Eve will Lie due to the Apple and so she will point to the Apple doorway."

Namjoon takes a breather, if shocked isn't better to represent everyone's facial reaction, then nothing is.

"Next part is self-explanatory then. Just walk to the opposite doorway they both pointed towards, there you go... problem solved."

A slow applause began.

"I couldn't believe it..." Yugyeom merely uttered, solving it in twenty seconds and explaining it in the next forty seconds?! This man is a pure genius, beyond any expectations.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now