Ten's Glare...

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How is it that...

The things I want...

Are always...

The most difficult things to get...

Is it because...

Other people think it too...


Am I just being a fool...


Why him Lisa...

It makes me wonder...

What am I really...

To you...


Catching my breath, I couldn't control my deepest emotions, my deepest desires, it all exploded in a wave of continuous destruction.

I knew it all along.

Winning against you was impossible...

Jeon Jungkook...

You don't understand me...


I hope you never do...

Guys like you...

Don't understand pain...

How could you...

You live by perfection everyday...

When here I am...

With nothing...

No friends...

No talents...

I have nothing.

Just when I believed...

It couldn't get any worse...

You steal the only light...

Of my life...

You think it's all easy games...

I will come back stronger...


I will take back what's mine...

This I promise you...

My thoughts, everything were diluted, nothing seemed right anymore and it all linked to the thing I hated most.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now