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The five Walts intruders glanced behind, their expressions twisted slightly as they observed.

A man with black ripped jeans, red—black stripped shirt and a long—knotted like scarf wrapped around his neck; his jet—black hair parted between the middle and flawlessly shifted between each side.

"Who the hell is this?" One of them pointed towards him.

Grasping Jack's hair, one of the five glared directly into the bespectacled boy's eyes in annoyance.

"Is this your other friends?!" He asked, continuing to add pressure to the grasp and ultimately increasing the pain.

Shaking his head repeatedly while squinting his eyes from the excruciating pain.

"I said stop."

"Ah this kid is annoying," one spoke in annoyance as he walked up towards the mysterious figure.

Meeting him eye to eye, he didn't faze at all. "Gonna mess up that pretty boy face of yours—"

Something happened, did the world flip or did it crumble? His entire vision seemed to have twisted as his entire body met a cold yet hard surface.

"You won't stop?"

Intimidation settled in. The other four glared, shedding their confidence to the max; but something about this mysterious man was fearful.

"Surround him!"

Managing to circle him completely, Jack was dropped like garbage as they focused towards the new threat.

The mysterious man stood frozen, taking this only opportunity; they all charged towards the middle.

He didn't move at all. Only watched as they all suddenly charged in.


"Argh..." pain oozed like a sore thumb, a groan escaped his mouth as he struggled to sit up.

Opening his eyes once more, he was met with the familiar sight of a hospital bed; but everything was blurry.

My glasses...

Searching around, his fingers travelled through the soft blankets and metal holders resting besides the bed.


A hand extended out, offering his glasses to him; Jack's eyes widened.

"T—thanks..." picking up his glasses, he placed it perfectly between the bridge of his nose and the slope of both his ears which ultimately gave him his clear vision once more.

Jack's eyes travelled the room before resting on the mysterious person. His clothing was rather odd, something a rebellious teenager would wear; but something about his aura or presence made him nervous.

"You're welcome."

With that reply, the man quietly stood up and walked towards the door.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now