Did You Miss Me?

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"So..." Her voice, it was scary because of how piercing it could be.

"Give me a good reason, why I shouldn't throw you off this floor..." Menacing as it could possibly get, Lisa's stylist walks every inch closer in a frightening fashion.

Lisa gulped, "I-I was busy! I swear on my life, if I wasn't busy I would have been here!" Waving her hands to also sell it.

"Lisa. Not a good enough-"

The stylist stopped halfway, noticing something in peculiar behind Lisa.

A developing grin runs her face.

"It all makes sense now," Her grin grew painfully bigger, "Lisa! I knew you were such a liar! Score!"

Dumbfounded, Lisa looked at her stylist questioningly.

"What? Don't tell me you didn't realise your boyfriend was tagging along?"

'Boyfriend?' Lisa immediately turned around to meet a familiar pair of eyes.



"Jungkookie... You sly snake!" J-Hope laughed while clutching a soda can.

Jin nodded and grinned in agreement, "Our Maknae has finally grown!"

Jimin smacked Jungkook over the head, "Seriously though! We thought there was something wrong with you!"

Suga nodded, examining Jungkook's type of clothing, you can practically see what he was trying to accomplish with that bad boy outlook.

Jungkook sighed, "Guys, nothing was ever wrong. Everything's fine."

Taehyung didn't buy it, "Really?" He jumped off his comfortable position and hugged him with pride, "Be a good boy and stay outta trouble."

Jungkook grinned, "I will try."

Noticing something different, Jungkook examined the room in its entirety, but something was missing, something important.

"Namjoon isn't here," Jin noticed Jungkook's worry just by his stare, "He'll be back soon enough."

"So Jungkookie, you felt her lips yet?" Jimin sniggered, the question wouldn't normally have an affect, but this time it was totally different.

Attempting to keep a straight face, Jungkook fights back, "Kiss? We aren't that close..."

Even if he didn't express it, those last words somewhat damaged him.

Jimin's grin further ripped open, "You mean not yet?"

Taehyung smacked Jimin on the back, "Stop it, he is just shy."

Not letting his smile escape his face, Jimin couldn't help but give a massive thumbs up.

"You guys are so annoying." Jungkook couldn't help but smile, these people he called annoying are one of the closest people to his very own heart.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now