「Truth Or Dare」

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Within Jack's mind, two specific things were happening simultaneously. One thing is that the cogs in his mind were slowing down or rather not working, and the other is that his already nervous—side increased exponentially after Ten asked that embarrassing question.

"U—Uhm, come again?" Jack asked nervously, making sure his ears didn't trick him.

Ten smirk was beginning to hurt him, "Oh I think you heard me Jack."

Lisa sighed at Ten's nature of mentally hurting people, and he also enjoyed it which is slightly concerning.

Jack's already anxious form multiplied. He never had a crush before, but the feeling of having a crush was something that was new to him. If anyone were to be his crush, it would be the beauty that sat next to him.

BamBam kept eyeing the students behind Jack, something about them bothered BamBam. They kept sniggering and laughing whenever it was Jack that was speaking.

"Come on then!" Ten spoke which pressured him even more.

Lisa sighed as she began to stand up to interrupt him.

"You are going too—"


The glint in Ten's eyes gleamed as he immediately started becoming persistent.

"Who?! Who?! Who?!" The grin on his face couldn't be any better. Lisa slumped in defeat as she continued to sip on her drink; her eyes wandered to the two of them every now and then.

Jack moved closer to Ten and whispered into his ear.

"I'll tell you if you keep it a secret."

Ten's grin couldn't handle itself, "Done! Sealed deal! Come on tell me!"

Jack's embarrassment skyrocketed.


The grin stayed intact, however Ten was more calm as he sat back down.

"I am not surprised," he hummed, Jack laid there vulnerable since he gave out his own crush.

Lisa just sat there clueless, "So... mind sharing who your crush is?"

Ten smirked while Jack started shaking his head left and right violently.

"Well you see—"

A hand slammed down onto the table, the sound erupted besides Jack which frightened him.

"You. Come with me."


"So how's he holding out?" Jin asked, the concern took its heights.

Namjoon sat down, hands intertwined as he thought carefully.

"I've been thinking..." Namjoon's voice echoed off as he imitated his thoughts.

Jin stood there silently, waiting for Namjoon's words.

"...ah never mind." Ending it there, he couldn't properly speak out his thoughts which further concerned Jin.

A small rattling sound reared in as the doors opened and from those doors, Jimin and Yoongi poked through.

"Hyung, how is he?" Jimin asked, his fluffy hair bounced as he did.

"He'll be fine." Namjoon smiled reassuringly as he stood up and faced the door. Pausing momentarily, he glanced behind and gave his honest view on the whole situation.

"He's just learning."

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now