The International Playboy

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"But you know..."

Jungkook's arrogant smile widened.

"She doesn't belong to you."

His unbelievable amount of confident just enraged Sehun and Ten, but made a certain brunette blush harder.

"Jeon Jungkook..." Sehun clenched his fist in frustration.

Before Sehun even made a move, Ten charged straight for Jungkook.

"I DID WARN YOU!" Raising his fist once again, he lashed it towards Jungkook at point-blank range.

His arrogant smirk disappeared...

Everyone was watching...

Lisa snapped her eyes shut...

It was unbearable to watch.


Nothing alluded the room, pure silence invaded yet the cause was stiff.

Something went wrong...

Terribly wrong...

Ten gasped, his eyes couldn't believe it.

Jungkook caught his fist.

"You know..." His smirk reappeared.

"I expected a bit more..."

Taken aback by Jungkook's comment, Ten clenched his fist for another strike, his fury cry filled with hatred.

His efforts were shattered, fists after fists, Jungkook carried on blocking with upmost ease.

'Why!' Ten annoyingly thought while still throwing punches.

'Why can't I hit him!'

Gallons of laughter escaped Jungkook's lungs, surfacing his expressions with upmost enjoyment.

The situation was aggravated, Ten kept punching, left and right, but none of it touched Jungkook.

Beginning to feel the effects of exhaustion, Ten momentarily slows down as he takes shallow breaths.

"Give up."

'What?!' Ten gritted his teeth.

"You can't beat me. Give up."

Halting to a stop, Ten glares daggers at Jungkook.

"What gives you the right..." He finally released the pent up frustration he was so determined to hold back.

"TO MAKE ME GIVE UP!" His depleted stamina suddenly ten folded.

Adrenaline took over, Ten leaped into the air and kicked Jungkook with blinding speed.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now