Hell Raisers

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Little did you realise...

You just picked...

The wrong war...

The calm breeze, it was the only perfect setting before the vicious storm strikes with all its power.

Similarity struck with these two groups eyeing each other with upmost hate.

Their intentions differs, yet their most common enemy is amongst themselves.

It was inevitable.

"Wrong war?" Sehun smirked, clicking his fingers in a swift motion, all the eleven that once surrounded Namjoon quickly and almost simultaneously position themselves in front of Sehun; acting similar to a guard.

"You are mistake Kim Namjoon," Sehun walked towards the building with a devious smile grazing his facial features, "I am not in the wrong war."

Before completely disappearing into the building, Sehun smirk broadened.

"You are."

All eleven stood strong, protecting the entrance that Sehun walked in.

"This is a problem," Jimin sighed, "We have to save Jungkook."

Regardless of situation, Jimin was correct and by far if the situation demanded anymore constrictions, it would be the eleven guards.

"You are right Jimin," Namjoon walked in front of the guards, "I know exactly who each of you are."

"What is he doing?!" Jin whispered with a worried tone.

Taehyung shrugged, "Let's hope he knows what he is doing."

Namjoon stood strong among the eleven guards, his confidence was proving to be overflowing.

"You were EXO."

The atmosphere changed, one of the guard stepped forward, his attire was completely the same as the others, but his hair colour and style stood out as blonde with lighter highlights.

"That title doesn't mean anything to us anymore." His monotone voice stretched as a motion that everyone behind him agreed too.

"Doesn't mean anything?" Namjoon's voice grew to have more girth than the previous voice.

"Well then..." Signalling with his hand, Jimin, Jin, Taehyung, Suga, J-Hope readied themselves.

"Then why do you choose to protect him?" Namjoon's voice boomed in comparison, not letting go off that girth.

"Because he is our youngest brother," Another guard immediately answered as he stepped forwards to confront Namjoon, "And we won't forgive anyone that will hurt him."

"And what do you think we are doing?" Jimin sarcastically asked, Suga nodded in agreement as he spoke, "Let us through please. Your brother is doing more harm than good."

The talking guard shakes his head in disapproval, "Apologies, but our brother means more to us."

That was the final string.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now