「Fight Back」

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Ten shouted, his eyes stretched beyond belief. He tried getting up to help her motionless body, but Arlo and Axel kept him imprisoned by locking onto his ankles and wrist.


Biting onto his bottom lip, mustering every once of strength he could possibly have, Ten crawled with the extra weight of two other people. Arlo was surprised, Axel on other hand started to get irritated as he applied more pressure.

Reiner felt zero sympathy. He gazed at Lisa's body with a blank stare; filled with nothing more than mindless lust and disgusting intentions. His attention slowly diverted to a struggling Ten, crawling across to a motionless Lisa with all his strength while supporting Arlo and Axel.

"What are you boys doing?" Reiner asked in a disgusted manner.

"Stop him."

Arlo immediately jabbed Ten square onto his face, momentarily stunning him. Reiner smiled at the sight as he enjoyed the suffering of other people.


A slow husk of breath escaped a tired Ten, his eyes were still set on the blonde as he crawled even further. Axel pinned both his legs, unable to crawl any further, Ten halted and glanced around to Reiner.

"You... made a big mistake..."

Reiner's shady expression twisted to something more horrific, he took very steps towards Ten as Arlo and Axel jumped out of the way.

"Mistake... huh?" Grabbing a handful of Ten's hair, he lifted him up painfully.

"Mind explaining?"

Arlo could only turn away, he's been working for Reiner for quite some time, and this level of brutality was normal; yet he never quite got used to it.

Groaning from the pain spikes, Ten glared at the corner of his eyes.


Reiner raised his head, his eyes met number of pedestrians peering through the alleyway; in their vision, it seemed like a grown man battered a three School students.

Cursing under his own breath, Reiner ordered Arlo and Axel to grab Lisa before making their escape. Realising this, Ten flipped his head around and tried to get up; his body wouldn't listen as it collapsed again from the pain.

No! Lisa!


His voice boomed into the dark depths of the alleyway, nothing but a whist of the cold wind responded.

"I SAID— bring..."

He knew it himself. There was nothing he could do as his last words broke up from the intense burning pain that sought from both his heart and body.

"...her back."

Ten paused, he glanced around and glared daggers into every pedestrian that didn't have the guts to even lay a finger to help them.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now