「Hell's Chain」

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A tired, grumpy and unusually disoriented Lisa walked down a droopy pathway which led towards the unwanted eventuality; School.

Can't believe my phone...

Lisa clenched her fist in annoyance.

...it will take weeks to fix!

The blonde surely paused behind the metallic gates which surged with dread.

"Come back tomorrow honey."

Lisa's expression hardened, she knew that today she'll have to face him.

I'll just have to accept it...

Determination dawned in, the blonde had only a single mind in plan.

I need to protect Jack.

"Excuse me Miss!"


The blonde turned around, a tall man stood there, his eyes were smooth yet dim—brown, wavy brownish hair and he also wore the exact same School clothes code as any other male student; he came closer with a confused smile on his face as he darted his eyes left and right before focusing it to Lisa once again; he kept a heavenly smile.

"I am lost. Can you help me?"

Lisa stood stunned, "Sure... what with?" Lisa could of sworn his eyes sparkled a thousand times.

"Where is this School?"

After that statement, it was just pure silence. Lisa's expression hardened as she began to sigh deeply.

"You are on it..."


"Man... why are you rushing." Ten paced besides Jack with ease.

"Why are you following me?" Jack panted as he began to pace faster.

"Is there a reason not to?" Ten replied with a worrisome frown.

Jack flinched slightly.

I can't have Ten in danger...

"...uh yea, I am going to the toilet." Jack replied with a poker face.

A slightly flush of embarrassment ran up Ten's neck, "Aight! Go ahead bud—" Continuing to pat the smaller man, Ten stepped back and allowed Jack to pace forwards without any distraction.

Jack glanced around, partially pleased that Ten will be safe.

Alright, lets find him...

Humming momentarily, Ten made sure Jack was at a particular distance before following him again.

"Lets see what he is hiding."


"You have anymore reason to follow me?" Lisa spoke in an slightly irritated mood; she had to be somewhere today and not council some newcomer.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now