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"Why do I get the retrieval job." Arlo spouted in annoyance. He looked outside the School window and wasn't surprised that they ditched him.

"Now where can he be–"

"Looking for someone?"

The voice came from behind Arlo, he glanced around to meet another man who was slightly taller than him; he wore the same School attire, but his presence was different to the other many students who resided in here.

Who is he?

"Uh... yes." Arlo was suspicious, but that wasn't his main objective right at this very moment.

"He is this small with glasses." Making a similar gesture with his hands, Arlo noticed the stranger's facial features react from the description.

"Apologies no idea here."

With those final words he began walking away, but Arlo wasn't letting him off easy as he brought his leg in front of his neck; temporarily trapping him between the tip of his shoe.

"You aren't going anywhere." Arlo warned, patience wasn't his enemy, but nor was it this person's as he immediately pushed his leg away with pure ease.

"Don't touch me."

He pushed it away?!

His strength wasn't any joke, pushing away a leg designed to dismantle someone with pure ease isn't something easy to do.

"Who are you?!" Arlo spat out.

A mild suspicious expression engraved onto Arlo's face deepened. The man stood quietly, the air around them became warm and unsettling.

"Park Tsugua."

The person rustled both his hands into both pockets before smiling and walking away from Arlo.

Standing there stunned, he didn't know how to react from that. How could someone be so composed and carefree after an assault like that?

Who really is he?

"Tch." Winding those thoughts away, Arlo walked the completely opposite direction as his only main focus was the bespectacled boy running loose inside this building.

I will find you.


Jack panted for air, supporting himself on a single knee as he gazed up the dark stairwell which leads towards the open rooftops.

He must be there!

Exhausted, the bespectacled boy trudged on, climbing the dark ascending staircase to meet that one, single hope.

Every muscle in his body ached, sweat dropped profusely and the effects were beginning to slowly show.

Nearly there...

The door was right in front of him, exasperated to the brink, Jack pushes the brittle door and light finally pushes through; extinguishing the very darkness from within the stairwell.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now