Beginning Of War

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She doesn't want to accept...

Accept my love...

Why is she so blind...

Blind to the truth...

Is it because of him...

Why does she...

Love him...

So much...


A frustrated BamBam rushes into the modelling room, his mind couldn't figure out why Lisa wouldn't accept his undying affection for her.

Don't you understand...

Now he is emptying all the blame onto Jungkook, his mind filled with voids of hate and everything was directed towards Jungkook.

He isn't the one for you...

Clenching both fists, BamBam walked, but something significant stopped him.

Why don't you understand...

"Just stop..." Lisa strongly whispered, her grip became for intense.

If you won't understand...

"Why should I?" Raising his own voice, BamBam pushed Lisa away and continued walking towards Jungkook.


Feeling another grasp around his wrist, BamBam twitched in irritation as he glanced behind.


"How much longer will you grip my arm?!" His attempts of shaking it off slowly withered away, Lisa's strong grip only increased overtime.


"Until you promise me..." Her words eventually grabbed his attention as both of his eyes were forced to gaze at her, "That you won't hurt Jungkook..."


Realising she only mentioned Jungkook continued to infuriate him with even more jealousy.


Not being able to control his own emotions, BamBam continued to shake her grip, but to no avail.


"JUST LET GO!" BamBam suddenly shouted which startled Lisa, all his vented anger echoed through the corridors as it slowly gathered everyone's attention, especially Jungkook's attention.


Lisa noticed his eyes, those eyes were full of hurt and betrayal. Her lungs slowly tightened, giving off nearly an heart attack by just knowing how much effect she has on her own friend...

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now