He Doesn't Belong To You

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"Sorry, do I know you?"

Nothing but silence coursed the entire room, nor did the teacher intervene with the situation and pairs of eyes were fixated on the two specific individuals.

"Jungkook..." Lisa gripped the black scarf around his neck, unable to meet his gaze any longer.

"Tell me you are joking..."

Why are you so silent...

Jungkook scoffed at Lisa's plea as he turned to sit down.

Please talk to me...

Lisa still held on his scarf, gripping it with all her strength.

Why are you ignoring me...

"You are really annoying."

Do you hate me that much...

Almost instantly, Lisa's grip on his scarf was forcefully broken.

Answer me...

Falling to the ground, Lisa winced as her bruised arm collides with it.

You aren't Jungkook...

Not a single torch of sympathy or regret glimmered in his soulless eyes as he turned away from her.

But I don't care anymore...

Getting to her feet, Lisa dashed and grabbed his arm once more.

I am going to make you talk...

"Jeon Jungkook..." Lisa was irritated, grasping on his arm harder than ever.

I won't ever stop...

*Knock* *Knock*

All the emotional and physical tightness slowly disperse due to the knocking sounds.

It slowly opens, footsteps echoes, the uneasiness that was once dispersed slowly gathers back.

Lisa gulps, it was inevitable.

'Tzuyu?!' Lisa's facial expressions more or less explained her thoughts

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'Tzuyu?!' Lisa's facial expressions more or less explained her thoughts.

Tzuyu smiles as her vision was set on Lisa's expressions, she was truly satisfied by what has happened.

The teacher sighed, he couldn't process what drama caused this exact situation; but whatever he situation may be, the teacher will not interfere in personal matters, that's not his duty, he can only show the right path.

"Can you let go now."

Lisa span around, his eyes were dangerous, anyone could tell Jungkook was seriously annoyed.

"Yes Blondie, I believe you should let go off someone's else's property."

Lisa froze, not wanting to face either of them since both decisions are difficult.

"Y-you are joking with me..." Horrified by Tzuyu's statement, Lisa's voice dangerously rose.

Gleaming by the effect it had on Lisa, Tzuyu walked closer, "Yes dear Blondie, what is it was true?"

The whole class gulped, the amount of tension was unbelievable, it could make a grown man suffocate.

"He doesn't belong to you..." Lisa's voice goes dangerously low as she eyed Tzuyu's face full of mockery.

Gripping onto Jungkook's arm harder than ever, Lisa was determined not to let go.

Immediately, Jungkook slapped Lisa's ever holding grip.

Grasping her bruised arm, Lisa grits her teeth, determined not to show weakness in front on anyone.

"Alright kids," The teacher raised his voice as he walked to the front, "How about we stop this drama?"

Even if he didn't want to interfere with personal issues, physical damage and borderline torture was too much.

Eyeing Tzuyu once more, Lisa sits down on her original seat.

"I thought you were going to leave?"

Just when things were already bad enough, Lisa sighed as Sehun spoke those same words.

Shaking off his annoying question, Lisa couldn't help but stare at Jungkook.

'He looks so different...' Not feeling her temperature rise, Lisa continued watching his facial features, jawline, chiselled neck and all the way down.

Biting her lips, Lisa huffed in annoyance, Tzuyu kept nudging and hugging his arm like if they really were a real couple.

"Feeling jealous are we?"

Sehun grinned, Lisa froze, realising her face was in deep red.

"Is it that obvious..." Lisa whispered.

Sehun nodded to her disbelief, he etched closer towards her.

"I have a plan Lisa..."

"No." Her rejection was almost immediate, Sehun gave her an overall confused look.

"I don't want to interfere in his happiness any longer..." Lisa smiled as she observed the two.

"If he's happy... Then I am happy..." Lisa smiled wryly.

Sehun hummed at her response, but grinned once more.

"So can you explain the tears on your face then?"

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now