「These Lasting Feelings」

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"So the idiot ran away." Jimin finally declared, nothing more than a smile arose from Jimin's face; a smile of a proud older brethren.

Namjoon indulgently grinned in satisfaction, full well knowing his Jungkook is making a move.

"Don't worry about it boys." Namjoon gestured Bangtan to follow him.

"Let's go home."

Twisting around, they headed straight for home, truly tired; yet satisfied.


A voice called out to them, reaching the boys before they disappeared home.

The whole of Bangtan turned around to see an unexpected appearance.


Namjoon remarked as his full attention was occupied.

"If it isn't BlackPink!" Namjoon walked forwards to meet the girls.

The girls shuffled around momentarily as they awkwardly nodded in response.

"Why are you guys here though?" Jin curiously asked since the entire event did end about ten minutes ago when everyone had left.

"If you are looking for Lisa," Namjoon couldn't help but hide the grin as he responded excitedly, "she is getting home safely by Jungkook."

Jennie stepped ahead to confront Namjoon, her dark lavish hair danced in the cutting breeze.

"That's not a problem, we are thankful to be honest." Jennie appraised them before continuing to speak.

"We came here to make a plea..." Jennie's expression, along with Jisoo's and Chae's took a darker turn.

Namjoon became stern, knowing this of significant importance of monumental proportions.

"What is the problem?" Asking with a hint of precaution, clouding his voice.

Jennie adjusted her face into an unrecognisable smile, Namjoon could distinctly tell that they've been substantially mentally damaged that it has affected their physicality as well.

"It's about Lisa..."



A certain blonde pouted, her expression laid vivid as she turned away from her capturer.

Jungkook gave an absurd expression, "What's wrong Lisa?" He couldn't help but grin slightly.

"I told you!" She struggled to get off the bridal carrying position by pushing away from his toned chest.

But her attempts were useless since Jungkook would pull her back in.

She absolutely hated being carried like a princess, let alone become one.

"I can walk!" She scowled, giving the greatest stink—eye towards him.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now