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My heart was right...

I already fell for you before I even realised it...

You keep mesmerising me...

Your eyes...

Your hair...

I wish time froze...

I finally understand...

I finally understand what it feels like to love...

And not to be loved...

I finally understand love at first sight...

Since I've finally found you...

The woman of my dreams...

And I'd be damned to let go of this chance...

"Jisoo—Unnie! Chae! Jennie—Unnie!" A young blonde girl shouted, she sprinted towards them

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"Jisoo—Unnie! Chae! Jennie—Unnie!" A young blonde girl shouted, she sprinted towards them. Speckles of wind rushed through her beautifully blonde hair as she approaches them with a courageous smile.

"Alright she is finally here," Jisoo smiled inwardly, "How was your sleep Lisa? This is our big day."

"You don't have to tell me that. I will absolutely give it everything today." She smirked with an established pride.

Jisoo nodded with a smile.

She has grown so much...

Can't help but feel proud...


Making their way into the building, the girls couldn't help but gasp at the view.

"The lights are so pretty..." Jennie whispered in awe. Chae was in shock too, but moreover she was shocked with how many people came to this event; Chae had a considerable amount of stage fright.

Lisa noticed this, "Chae its okay. We've got your back." Lisa grabbed her arms and pulled her towards the door.

"Say hello to stardom!"

"Say hello to stardom!"

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Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now