Hurt Him...

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Hearing the odd camera flash again...

I looked up...

I was shocked...

When I gazed at you...

You made me forget how to breathe...

Seeing your angelic face...

I felt my pupils widen...

My cheeks burn...

My God...

You really are

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You really are...

The death of me...


"Is he the one?" BamBam groaned as the reminiscing pain further haunted him on the groin.

"Is he the one what?" Lisa asked, her voice didn't have any power like before, instead it sounded more delicate.

"You lie to me Lisa... It's obvious, the way you look at him..." Sound of hurt in his voice, BamBam looked away from Lisa.

Seeing her friend in such state concerned her, "BamBam, I've never seen you like this... What's the problem with you?"

Displeasure hit BamBam, "You love him don't you? Why him..." Finding the courage to look at Lisa in the eyes, BamBam sighs, "Why can't you see... That I love you..."

The uncomfortable silence filled the space between them, Lisa really didn't know what to say...

This angered BamBam even more than before, "FINE!" Completely shocking Lisa with the sudden growth in volume.

BamBam continued to shout his frustration, but more emotions were filled with them, "Let me show you how much YOU MEAN TO ME!" Purposely putting more emotions into his words than ever before, BamBam rushes past Lisa with a pained expression running across his face...

Is this...

Sighing at his antics, Lisa couldn't stop their endless fighting.

How it always has to be...

Deep down, Lisa felt pathetic, knowing full well this was all down to her.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now