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"Yeah, I noticed too." Ten said as they both took their time down the silent staircase.

"...I wonder what happened to him." Jack replied, the bespectacled boy creased his brow and he couldn't help but become rather sceptical.

"Or if anything happened at all." Giving a swift comment, Ten had a good point; what if nothing happened to him at all?

Jack hummed. "It still doesn't feel right." He motioned his hand, resting his chin upon the crook of this thumb and the index finger; a slow thought submerged as he contemplates.

He's right...

What if nothing happened at all?

Am I worrying too much?

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Ten popped his head through the corridor and scanned the area for that nurse.

"I think we are clear!" Ten whispered, flicking his wrist repeatedly, both of them began moving swiftly across the desolate hallway.

"Where do we go now?" Jack whispered back, the thought of being caught by the teachers was a tad bit overwhelming for him.

"I don't know!" Ten cracked up a bit as he gave that response.

The bespectacled boy gulped. This was surely a one—way ticket.

Around the corner, BamBam walked up as he notices the two walking towards him in a sneaky fashion.

Ten quickly noticed BamBam and exchanged a massive thumbs up while Jack fixed his glasses in a superb sense of fashion.

What are they doing...

Ignoring his confused thoughts, BamBam scurried towards them with a question in mind.

"Hey guys—"

A arm reached around him, pulling him closer and later he found himself in a so—called group hug.

"All right! I call dibs on team name! This team will be called No Class Team!" Ten exclaimed excitedly.

Jack arched a brow. "So does that mean we have no class?"

A sweat dropped.

Ten dropped to his knees in pure defeat. "Jack man! Why you gotta do me dirty like that!" He cried out.

BamBam stood there, admiring their dramatic friendship; he couldn't help but smile since they reminded him of what Lisa and he used to be.

"Guys. I have to ask you something here." BamBam shoved one hand down his pocket as he spoke.

Ten stood up, he noticed the seriousness of this situation and so did Jack; they both came closer and stood exactly next to each other.

"Have you seen three people walk by?" BamBam asked, looking around as he asked that question.

Ten and Jack exchanged looks, and immediately shrugged afterwards.

BamBam sighed, he began making hand measurement to show their height as he says, "you know, one guy is this big and the others this short—"

"What did you say?"

Startled from the sudden interruption, BamBam blinked a few times before replying slowly.

"Uh. One of the three guys is quite big while the other two were smaller?"

Jack choked slightly.

Ten smashed his fist against a random wall of the School.

BamBam tilted his head and furrowed his brows as he observed their odd reaction to the question.

"Guys what's wrong?"

After a moment of silence, Ten finally spoke with a monotonous aspect to it.

"...where did you last see them?"

"Just when they entered the School buildings... afterwards I lost track of them." BamBam regretfully replied.

Jack nudged Ten with a stern eye.

Without even having to speak, Ten knew exactly what he was thinking.

They couldn't let BamBam be in this.

"I am sorry, but this is something we have to do." Jack narrowed his head, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Yeah buddy." Ten smiled as he slowly clamped his hand on BamBam's shoulder.

"Don't follow us."

With those final words, both Ten and Jack turned around to walk away.


"Oi... OI."

Reiner shouted in anger. The crowd of people dispersed from his voice and gigantic figure alone.

Arlo scanned the entire hallway for the bespectacled boy and his friend; but to no avail.

Teachers were looking at what the fuss was about, but by the time they reached the corridor, Reiner and his looney's were already gone.

"This School is big." Axel pointed out.

"Yep. I think it would take a lot less longer if we split up." Arlo added on as a mutual agreement.

Humming loudly, Reiner smirked at the idea at play.

"Fine. Lets do that."

"I'll search the canteen." Axel briefly said before pondering off slowly.

Arlo nodded, but before walking off he glanced at Reiner staring directly inside a certain class.

Why is he looking there?

Ignoring that thought, Arlo began walking into another cross—section of the School building; the bridge that connects the multi—platform building was clear and Heavenly as light glazed through the transparent glass.

Reiner had a slight frown as he gazed inside the class; eyeing a certain man who sat down with a dull expression, curly brown hair and smooth dark—dim eyes sulking quietly.

Hm... he looks like—

The wind drafted, little currents kissed Reiner's skin as he tensed from the sudden, soft contact.

Was I imagining it?



Reiner scoffed, immediately he began walking right across the staircase; completely ignoring it as he made his way towards another site of the entire Heaven's High School building.

Just my imagination.

Liskook 💗 I've Finally Found You 💫                     Jungkook x Lisa Fanfic✨Where stories live. Discover now