Memories that linger.

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*** I figured, one more update for Valentines day!*****

Day 3...
The image of her from my dream last night was still cemented in my mind. She was there as I did my laundry, cooking, cleaning and showering. Slowly taking my energy and leaving me a hollow case of a man.

I walked the strip hoping I'd catch her face in the crowd or even hear her giggle but nothing seemed familiar. Even in the place I lived.

My sadness was turning into anger, how dare she do this? How could she? I felt like a love sick teenager being ditched before prom! I was pissed.

"At least take a day?" My mom spoke as I passed her Gracie's leash.

"For what?! I'm done sitting around and waiting for her to come back. I can't keep doing this! Just please, please take her until I come back."

"And when will you come back?" My mom asked wide eyed.

"I promise I'll be back in a few days. I just need to clear my head. Away from all this, all these memories." I gestured around us.

Her face softened and her hand took the leash. "If you really need me to..."

"I do mom. I need this, just a couple days. If I can't find her, then I'll accept that she's gone and I'll get on with work." I reasoned making her nod her head.

"A couple days." She reminded me as she walked to the front door with Gracie.

"Promise. I love you mom."

She stopped and turned "This..  This is what I'm worried about. Zak promise me you'll come back? Promise me you won't do anything stupid?!"

"I promise. Now let Gracie go play with her cousins."

With a smile my mom left and I returned to the bedroom. With a case open, I threw my clothes inside my bag whilst stopping at intervals to look for a place to go. Somewhere quiet, away from people and memories.

My mind went back to the cottage Robyn and I stayed at. It turned out to be a place where Robyn spent her summers with her parents. That was a crazy week in itself.

Trawling through the websites, I found that nearly every place was either too big, too small, in a bad area, looked too tacky and then looked too high end for a couple days get away.

I just wanted comfort and peace, not electronic, sci fi built freakin house! I just wanted an open fire with logs to the sid-

I wanted that cottage...

Using the same website I searched for the cottage I had stayed at but if came back as an 'Unknown search'

I tried again, and again even searching the location instead of the cottage but even after an extensive search I had nothing.

"Dammit." I huffed looking at my half packed case.

This was yet another set back. My eyes trailed over to my phone when I remembered that myself and the homeowner George Harris exchanged emails.

I grabbed my phone and began going through email after email before I searched for the cottage when the emails appeared.

"Yes!" I fistpumped.

Finding a contact number I rang it and waited....


"So you're positive?" I asked George.

"Yes sir. Payment hit my account a few days later."

"And you have no idea who bought the house?"

"No I did it through realtors. Why do you ask Zak?" He questioned.

"I just... I wanted to stay again if I'm honest. Never mind, thanks anyway." I sighed.

We ended the phone call leaving me feeling deflated again. A few weeks after myself and Robyn stayed the cottage was put up for sale. Apparently it was snapped up, George said he presumed it was buy a development programme who had hassled him a few years previous to sell his land. But he refused.

"Now what?" I asked myself.

Maybe it would be a good idea just to check the place out?

What for?

For old times sakes? Gracie is with Ridley for a few days. Getting out of town would do me some good..

"Screw it anyway." I finished packing up my bags and set them by the front door.

I decided that I was going to head to North Dakota. Check the place out and if it was being destroyed then I get that piece of stone with Robyn's handprint on as a keepsake for her...

With my mind set, I rang Cece as well as my mom and told them where I was heading. I figured I could stay in a motel or two maybe even a hotel.

I shut down the house and hit the bed early after setting my alarm for 5am. I wanted to leave early and get there as soon as possible. So if it meant travelling all day for a piece of stone? Then so damn be it.

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