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My hand slapped over my shoulder as I tried desperately to feel this bite on my shoulder.

"A- How?" I asked moving to stand in front of the mirror.

"Well I'm guessing you never did it, and why would I bite you there?" He asked.

"Did you do it Zak?!" I snapped at him.

"No! Calm down!"

"C-Calm down? Calm down!"

"Okay.." He held his hands up in defeat. "That was a poor choice of words. But don't show fear, please."

I looked at him throwing my hands up "How can I not?! I've been bit! This house, this house has never had a problem with me until you accused me of cheating!"

He scoffed "So this is my fault now?"

"I don't run around in the dark looking for ghosts do I?!" I shouted.

His next move was unexpected..

He grabbed my robe, and pushed me onto the balcony. I hid under the stone barrier in case anyone could see me and pulled on my robe before banging on the window at him.

"YOU- YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled thumping the window as he paced the room holding his head.

Seeing the upset and concern on his face I stopped and began watching him as he looked around the place, speaking. But I couldn't hear a word of it. Then he disappeared before coming back with a bag.

He's kicking me out...

My heart began to thud in my chest as he opened it up and looked at me. I wanted to be in there, stop him and just maybe help understand what is going on here. But fear from a stupid bite had me riled up and now I was facing homelessness.

"If you loved me... You'd open this door." I said placing my hand on the cold glass.

I saw his hands shaking as they balled into fists beside him, his face full of concentration as he decided what to do next. He came to the door and looked at me with upset on his face before unlocking it and letting me in.

I scurried in and looked at him wondering what he had planned in his mind.


"Just shh.. Don't speak. Just let me decide what the hell I am going to do." He answered sitting on the bed.

With his head down thinking, I decided to sit by him and wait. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave him here either. So I slipped my hand in his and held it causing him to look at our hands.

"I need you to show me how to front this out." I whispered.

"Nobody has been bit in my house, not even in my old house and that had a demon residing in it.." He answered closing his hand on mine.

"You're not letting me go. I'm not leaving. So tell me what I have to do? Tell me what happened at that lockdown Zak." I urged.

His eyes went to the rosary on my neck before he looked at me "It protects you... But It also aids any ability that you may have."

I frowned slightly "Ability?"

"Psychic.. It sharpens your senses."

I instantly wanted to slap him up side his head and yell at him but I had no reason to, just the sudden urge of anger unsettled me enough to pull my hand off his. "Please don't get angry."

"How can- Stop." I spoke holding my hands up away from him.

"I-.. You've always been a clear projector. I've told you that. I take a lot of my energy off you, sometimes I worry that I take too much and that's why you are always crying because you are emotionally and mentally worn."

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