Always kiss me

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The light pooled in from the blinds making my face crease, the remnants of sleep evaporating slowly. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I yawned whole heartedly before rolling my head to Zak's side of the bed where I jolted slightly.

"Good morning." He smiled.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" I rasped.

"I'd be a liar if I say no. You looked so peaceful, here." He pulled up a bottle of water and held it to me.

"You know me too well." I replied unscrewing the cap and sitting up on my elbow to drink the cool liquid back.

"Sleep well?" He asked soothing my hair back gently.

"Really well. It's this bed I think, you?"

"Hmm." He replied not meeting my eyes.

"Bad night then?"

He looked at me sheepishly "Nightmare. Luckily you didn't wake up, but you must have noticed because you rolled in closer to me and cuddled me."

"What was it about?" I asked, but the look from his face, meant that conversation was on shut down.

"Tell me because you'll freak if something similar like it happens." I demanded.

"Yesterday, it ended so different. When we get home, I need to teach you how to swim okay?"

"Did I drown at the aquarium?"

He nodded. "But I was tied to a chair as you thumped the windo-" he paused as his chest heaved.

I put my hand over on his chest "It's okay. It's okay, no more. I'm right here with you aren't I? No more aquariums I promise."

Zak's head moved in agreement before he began stroking my hair and holding my face. His eyes mapping every feature in front of him.

"You're looking at me like it's the last time..." I whispered holding his hand.

"I swear if anything-"

"I have a chaperone at all times now, Bacon has my back. I'll be fine."

"Well don't let Bacon smoke next to you, I don't want our baby getting any of that. Or you."

"Yes darling." I smiled loving his protectiveness.

"Let's get ready. I want you to have proper food every morning. Not the scraps you try and consider food."

"A protein bar is fi-"

"Shit, you need proper food Roo. I can't worry about your eating too. Please, work with me."

I nodded seeing the worry in his eyes. "So no ice cream for breakfast?" I asked quietly.

He smirked "Only if it's on a waffle with strawberries and chocolate."

My stomach rumbled just at the thought of it!

"My cub wants that, come on. Shower and then we can go eat!"

With a quick kiss he slipped out of bed and went into the bathroom putting on the shower for us.

Snuggling down in the bed I smiled, a few more minut-

"Come in, we can shower together." He replied almost making me groan, but when he pulled his top off, I refrained and slipped out of bed to join him.

I mean.. Who wouldn't?


I moaned as the ice cream melted in my tongue sending my tastebuds into space and back. Zak was sat beside me with an amused look on his face as he watched me eat some more.

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