I. See. You

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"Look Bill, just keep everyone busy.... No she's not awake yet. She had a bad night.... What do you think it was about?... Yeah I know man.... No nobody but you knows... Alright thanks bro." Zak put the phone and turned.

"You're awake." He smiled coming to the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"What for?"

"Last night."

He gave me a small frown "You can't help dreaming. Especially in your condition and our situation. Everything is on high alert."

My hand went across my tummy gently, a small voice in my mind confirming I still had a little almost hidden bump.

"You want to lay in for a bit?"

I shook my head "No, it makes me think about it all." I replied before a ginormous yawn took hold.

"Oh baby," Zak chuckled. "You're still tired."

I stretched my arms up locking them around his neck, with a quick tug, he fell on me giving me a harsh glare.

"Robyn. Be careful!" He snapped eyeing my tummy.

"Sorry.." I mumbled realising my mistake.

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped, I just don't want anything to go wrong. Come on, let's get all those pills down you." He grinned making me pout.

I had a small concoction lined up, with a glass of water I began taking them until they were gone alongside the water too.

"Thank you. Kiss?"

Zak grinned and gave me a kiss before heading back out the bedroom. When he came back, he went into the wardrobe picking out clothes... For me.

I watched him carefully as he hummed a tune before laying out a pair of jeans, a top and his hoody before smiling.


I giggled "Commando it is then."

He grinned and pulled a pair of panties from his pocket. "Zak..."

"I like these. You do too, that's why you packed them. To tease me."

He was right, but I'd never admit to it... Not straight away at least.


"You're disgustingly handsome." I said looking at him in the elevators mirror doors.

"Hmm. I know. Look at that fabulous ass." He grinned.

I tapped his bum in appreciation "Always told you, you gotta good tush."

I rounded him and placed my hands on his chest. "You look gorgeous. As always."

"My eyes feel horrible. But... I'm here to work and work is what I shall do." I replied brushing off his jacket and pulling on the lapels bringing his lips to mine.

"Hmm.." he hummed in approval wrapping his arms around my waist.

When the ping sounded I shot away and giggled as Zak was still half posed and in shock at how fast I split.

"I'll let it slide.. Just this once." He warned playfully.

"Oh my eye. You always leave me wanting more, now you know how I feel." I smirked stepping out and towards the hotel restaurant to meet up with the crew.

Billy had kept them all busy... By letting them eat.

I guess it was as good as anything, casting my eyes around, I heard Aaron before I saw him. Spotting them in the far corner, I made my way over with Zak walking behind.

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